I am optimistic, I'm just saying if someone asked me if there'd be an issue on this figure, I'd say well it's hopeful that with the importance of this figure and the progress they've made with the new bodies in production that Vader should be fine, but until we get it, we just can't tell, rather than speak 100% confident in it, people concerned should have a realistic expectation, so if tragic should happen and the body has issues they're prepared and if it's great, then it's a great relief.
This figure's going to looks so nice.
and quite possibly free for you my friend!:maul
Or you, or anyone in the contest.
The free isn't the allure of the contest for me though. Being able to do something special for this site relative to the most important figure in this entire line, my whole reason for ever coming to this site, would mean a lot.
Everyone's been on edge to get a Vader since the line started, even more since it was finally announced last year, I would just like to be able to make the early revelation of it on this board be something as special as it ought to be.
Hi MaulFan - I didn't mean my comment to sound in any way snide. Sorry if it came across wrong. I genuinely respect your work and think you are the most likely candidate to win the competition! Can't say I wouldn't be over the moon if I won... but I shan't be holding my breath.
Whoever wins, I know you're pictures of Vader will do him justice - good luck mate.![]()
Well, I think we're all hopeful and feeling good about the chances, but I don't think we're in a position to say it with assurance to anyone concerned about it.
As far as any potential problems with vader, I'd like to point out that sideshow did mystereously delay him an extra two months. I'd think this was for ironing out any potential problems.
1) Vader will have a modified armored body (one used on the Clonetrooper) to accommodate the height.
2) "Hurricane" Vaders are custom-built by a fellow board member, so you shouldn't try to compare it with the SSC version since it's apples and oranges.
3) The paint applications are only a major problem when human features are involved. Sideshow is typically really good with non-human faces, masks, etc.
4) The body issues should be all but eliminated by the time Vader rolls around. Clone Kenobi was the worst of the armored body issues. Stormtrooper was less bad but still very wobbly. The Utapau Clonetrooper is significantly better but problems are still being reported. Before Vader, we'll have the Stormtrooper Commander from "Force Unleashed", and it's expected to have less issues.
So I wouldn't worry about body issues with Vader (hopefully...)
Hope that covers your questions. If I'm mistaken about anything, someone please feel free to jump in here.
As far as any potential problems with vader, I'd like to point out that sideshow did mystereously delay him an extra two months. I'd think this was for ironing out any potential problems.
As far as any potential problems with vader, I'd like to point out that sideshow did mystereously delay him an extra two months. I'd think this was for ironing out any potential problems.