Painted eyes > Googly eyes
Painted eyes > Googly eyes
This'd be risky for me. I love what HT have done with their Bruce Lee figures, and I'm saving up for these plus whatever HT has in store for their next Bruce figure/s. To lash out on an EB GoD that's only been shown as a seamless prototype is too tough an ask.
There'll still be time to pick up the GoD MSRP once the final product pics have been released, but I guess if you've preordered now then you know for sure you won't be missing out.
The EB GoD has been selling very well at OSB.
Bleh, that paint job is not too good. All that red around his cheeks makes him look like he's in Chinese opera.
Try not to bash EB's Bruce because it was done by Arnie, and he works for HT now. So in a way, you are dissing HT.
Try not to bash EB's Bruce because it was done by Arnie, and he works for HT now. So in a way, you are dissing HT.
I can't really describe it, but while Hot Toys is the bigger company with the pieces that look more realistic/better, I feel like Enterbay often has a lot more heart in their releases. When I see things like the Hot Toys Thor or Jill, they look so lifeless and sure they are very realistic, but the likeness is almost not there because they take the realism almost a bit too far and sometimes seem to forget to capture not just how something looks physically, but the kind of spirit it has. I know this all sounds like mumbo-jumbo, but I cannot really explain it any other way. Sometimes, I think of Hot Toys as that huge chain of stores and Enterbay that small specialty store that all its frequent customers prefer. The big chain has the better tasting food, more things, and is sometimes cheaper, but that small specialty store has its own touch and charm to it that you can't just replicate.
That and Enterbay releases are sometimes just plain better than Hot Toys. Hot Toys does some awesome things and they also do some not so awesome things. Everyone wins sometimes and loses others. I see a lot of people heavily criticize Enterbay even going off of one or two figures and its so easy to do those kinds of sweeping generalizations, but I never see people do it with Hot Toys. You can take one of Hot Toys not so stellar releases and then just make an assumption about the whole company and it would be really bad, but no people instead of always keep Iron Man in mind so that Hot Toys is artificially looked upon as this kind of god of sorts.
I'll take superior QC over touch and charm anyday - and if it happens to cost a stack less cash to get it, so much the better![]()