May have only been a form study though... anyone have the inside word on whether it was poseable?
I really hope this is GOD Bruce, I will have a geekasm if this is and it looks like it would! PLEASEEEEEE BE IIIITTTTT!!!!!
This is just private work,nothing planned with HT,at least not yet.But yes,that's the best likeness ive seen yet besides his smiling head.
I don't know it this is an old sculpt, or whatever...
We can't assume anything; but if he's working on these now, and we still havent seen a Supes, then what the hell they are doing over at HT?
Then it will confirm to me that all Arnie is, is a one trick pony.
Arnie stated in the comments accompanying this picture that this is his most recent Bruce Lee sculpt and is for his personal collection. So it IS a new sculpt...
Arnie first of all is an artist, and he can do whatever he wants and whenever he wants. Its Hot Toys who think he is good enough to be on their payroll, your opinion doesnt bother their decisions.
Was just searching through a few sites and it looks like the new Enterbay GOD Bruce Lee is going to cost $300+ is this going to be the new standard for Enterbays Bruce Lee line?!
At first I misunderstood your question - as I thought you meant if Enterbay has set a new standard in terms of realism, or taking it to the next standard/level, etc. But to answer you question about the higher price which in a way also covers what I thought you where asking - which I have thought about for some time - is that the next step I hope that Arnie Kim or any other figure artist - which now Mr YJ Park has done - would take is to match the realism and the likeness of the actual body of Bruce Lee and a “full skin” body (no visible figure joints). Bruce was known for his unique and beautiful physic and perfect body symmetry - and like the face, bodies are also different and unique that need to be matched and taken seriously in the future. I think that the new GOD figure the body looks more like Bruce’s but the smiling head sculpt is not as perfect as Arnie’s new smiling head, and I am sorry to say that the more serious looking head sculpt does not fully convince me. Having that said I still think YJ Park has done a wonderful job, and I am seriously thinking about buying it when it comes out as it has some very unique positive sales points when it comes to the likeness of the body and non visible joints. Though I have to add that the price of US$ 300+ is in my opinion really allot for just a figure (I feel that this price is more for the really hard core figure fans, than for the hard core Bruce Lee fan), and Enterbay Ltd. and Mr. YJ Park really have to meet and even go above the high expectations they have set. But I am very positive and exited about this release![]()
Maybe they'll show something for this month. Wasn't it scheduled to be relased later this month?
There is a pic comparing the HT BL body and the old Enterbay BL body. If you thought that the EB looked good, the HT one looks way better, makes the Enterbay one look very toyish. Almost allof the joints are located in the same paces, except for the wrist in HT and forearm in EB. I tell you because when I got the FoF I was amazed at how good it looked without the shirt, but after seeing those pics, you can really tell how the craftsmanship just keeps improving.