This might look better than the EB WotD statue I have![]()
Looks good, the giraffe neck is the only issue.
This might look better than the EB WotD statue I have![]()
Cool pics
This might look better than the EB WotD statue I have![]()
Looks good, the giraffe neck is the only issue.
Looks good, the giraffe neck is the only issue.
Really? Hmm I'll double check my tanks to see if I can relate. As for the neck I'm pretty sure it can be filed down, best to ask Tin or someone experienced though. the pics look great regardlessYeah the neck is definintely out of porpotion. I don't have a huge problem with it tho. If I turn the head down a little bit, it seems fine. My real issue is the white tank top. The white top that came with knock off WOTD outfit set was more like a sleeveless shirt than a beater. And it was a little loose around the body on top of that. I had to wet it and throw it in the dryer to shrink it a little, and I streched the holes a bit. Still, it looks so aweful. I searched ALL OVER ebay for a white tank top, but I couldn't find any. And I am not about to buy the orinial WOTD outfit for +$200 on ebay. I just might have to taylor one myself. Does anyone have any recommendation for a sewing machine for the job?![]()
Ruined it
How do you unsee something?
Thank you. You can't really beat 1/4 statue. It's a great center piece among your collection. However, the sculpt on BL 2.5 is truely amazing for 1/6 figure, and I had such a blast posing this body. I didn't realize how much I missed a well-articulated body. GOD rubber body looks great in subdued poses, but its articulation SUCKS! I think my next project will be putting the GOD head on BL 2.5 or 3.5 body.
Yeah the neck is definintely out of porpotion. I don't have a huge problem with it tho. If I turn the head down a little bit, it seems fine. My real issue is the white tank top. The white top that came with knock off WOTD outfit set was more like a sleeveless shirt than a beater. And it was a little loose around the body on top of that. I had to wet it and throw it in the dryer to shrink it a little, and I streched the holes a bit. Still, it looks so aweful. I searched ALL OVER ebay for a white tank top, but I couldn't find any. And I am not about to buy the orinial WOTD outfit for +$200 on ebay. I just might have to taylor one myself. Does anyone have any recommendation for a sewing machine for the job?![]()
I just might have to taylor one myself. Does anyone have any recommendation for a sewing machine for the job?
The iv had paint issues. The vi was chock full of issues from bad paint, to missing parts for the extra arm, damaged parts and some other things I cannot recall atm.
For Thor, the helmet was a problem and many have modified it already to fit better and not sit so low on the sculpt (Odin has this problem too). The cape was also another issue, the way it attaches makes it fall off very easily. The upper torso armor was reportedly glued directly onto the body in the back, making it very difficult to remove the sleeve armor if you wished to pose Thor with his arms exposed. Thor's hammer is very heavy and others have problems posing him with it since it drags the entire arm down and stresses the shoulder joint. The Thor sculpt is mediocre at best - an expressionless sculpt really hurts Thor imo b/c this character is so animated for almost the entire film. A smile, huge grin, or angry face would have worked wonder for this figure set.
Tron Kevin Flynn is just a poor release imo. The sculpt - another expressionless - is mediocre and that's being kind. What makes the Tron franchise stand out are the fantastic tron outfits, and HT dropped the ball here. Not only are there no light up features, but nothing reflective either like Medicom did with the DP duo. They didn't even try or acknowledge this. Not only that, the black robe included in the set has no hood, which is inaccurate to the film. The only good part of the set is the base, regardless all you get is a guy in a black/white robe and simply put it isn't Tron in any way, shape or form.
/rant back to our regularly scheduled Bruce Lee worship![]()
Hey buddie cool pics, just wanted to ask you how did you modified the hair sculpt to fit the FOF headsculpt?? Im planing on doing that for an extra FOF headsculpt
All these problems aside from the Mark IV & VI are aesthetic issues that are all end user problems. All issues bought up about Thor are more on a personal taste then actual QC problems(damaged parts,paint chipping,missing limbs,etc)IMO i never had a problem with my Thor figure and as for representing what was shown on film i think it's exact.As for TRON:Legacy,Kevin Flynn looks just like how he did in the film.IF it were TRON than hell no but as a rep for the sequel as far as i remember this was how he looked not 100% accurate but damn close and the head sculpt might have a neutral face but for what it is it's a PERFECT rendition of Kevin Flynn and the paint apps are as usual INCREDIBLE!I think so anyway!![]()
Hey Ceemor
I agree the IM figures in hand make the QC issues easier to deal with.
Wrt to Tron Kevin Flynn I'll just disagree. I think that if you displayed him without the stand and asked 10 random people to look at him and identify what character he was, more than half would have no idea.
Thanks Chuyha. To modify the hair sculpt to fit on FOF head, you must first seperate the "top half" skull from the hair piece. You know the plastic piece with magnet inside the hair? It is glued in the hair pretty good, and I say seperating the pieces is the hardest and most time consuming part of the mod. You have to use some sort of a tool to wedge between the hair and the top skull, and I used the stick type staple remover, because its ends are rounded and dull. Avoid using any sharp tools such as screw driver or knife of any kind, because it will most likely irreversably damage the hair piece. Once they are seperated, get a xacto knife to modify both the hair piece and top skull. First, you need to pre-fit the hair piece to the head sculpt to figure out exactly where you need cut away on the hair piece. Top of the ears gets caught in the hair piece, and the hair piece will sit too high. You have to cut away some excess material from INSIDE of the hair piece where the top of the ears and the hair piece meet. You won't be taking off a whole lot, and you will cut off some excess ONLY FROM INSIDE OF THE HAIR PIECE. Once you've fitted the hair piece the way you like it, put the top skull back in the hair piece. There are groves in the top skull which guide it to sit correctly in the hair piece every time. And if you place the complete hair piece on the head sculpt, you will notice that the back half of the top skull needs to be trimmed a little bit for the entire hair piece to sit correctly. Cut away until desired hair position is reached. This is a bit time consuming, because you want to be careful about how much you trim away. Do it little by little to avoid cutting away too much. Once the hair piece sits correctly, simply apply some model glue or crazy glue to reattach the top skull back onto the hair piece. I still left mine unglued, because I want to see if I can mod it to fit on some other BL head sculpts, namely Kato head. This might sound like alot of work, but the whole process took less than 30 minutes for me, and it is totally worth it for the product you end up with. I couldn't be happier with my custom WOTD. I actually prefer mine over the official EB WOTD.
I hope this was helpful.
This is all so very interesting guys. I WAS going to chime in on HT VS Enterbay debate, and then I came to my senses and asked myself, "What has happened to this thread?!?! Where is Bruce Lee??? "
I guess there isn't much going on right now in Bruce Lee figure world as all the anticipation and excitement has died down a bit since the release of HT ETD and EB GOD sets. There is kind of a void right now.
Well, worry no more ladies and gentlemen. I am here to razzle and dazzle your hungry eyes. That's right, BL picture bonanza!!! I had just received WOTD outfit set and hair piece. I moded the hair piece to fit on original FOF calm face and angry face, and I am very pleased with the result. Decide for yourselves who wins in the "likeness" department between HT and EB. Arnie Kim is heaven sent for us Bruce Lee collectors. So without further ado, here it is.