I had a set of the Hot Toys "in Suit" hand set (with gold clock and pegs enclosed) sent from an eBay seller in Hong Kong to Ahgnus who is located in Japan right now. He was going to make the holes slightly bigger as I plan to use the peace/victory sign hand on one of the extra "Game of Death: Behind the Scenes" figure bodies (I have now three: One for each head in the Beijing release). Ahgnus was so kind to also enclose the special posing hands which was not enclose in the HT "in Suit" set, as he had a pair extra from the HT "Enter the Dragon" set - and an extra EB custom painted/improved "Fist of Fury" head with hair sculpt !
Now I hope to do some (beginner's) custom work on the jeans clothed "Game of Death" figure body with EB smiling head sculpt, HT in Suit/Casual Wear sunglasses, HT peace/victory hand and gold clock ! I plan to have the upper body bent a little forward to flex those abs, and get a 1/6 towel as a final touch.
Does this sound like a cool idea ?
Btw, it would have been über cool if we could have a 1/6 necklace with the JKD Yin/Yang on the front and quote on the back - as someone on this forum pointed out a few months ago. But this is a project I am giving you guys (and girls), or Enterbay and Hot Toys....