Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Why isn't the '100% movie accurate' bit enough for you? Why must the scale be so important? Its not like anything less than 18" is invisible.
100% movie accurate figures...
Battle Damaged 12" rulez but Pescadero ist great too.

I hate Neca so much, both look so great, a shame to detroy this figures with a Kiddie-size (12")

they did it purposely, with the soul intention of pissing you off.
bestards! :mad:
Why isn't the '100% movie accurate' bit enough for you? Why must the scale be so important? Its not like anything less than 18" is invisible.

12" is a Barbie format, no. Sry, but i didnt like the size, thats all.
When you collecting 18" figures you cannot accept small 12" , impossible
Well you seem to love this figure so much despite it only being available as a 7" or 12". It just seems very strange that you constantly promote a figure you refuse to buy because of its scale.
Well you seem to love this figure so much despite it only being available as a 7" or 12". It just seems very strange that you constantly promote a figure you refuse to buy because of its scale.


seriously, i'm willing to bet this guy has never bought a figure in his life. he's one of those people who goes to sites with the soul intent of starting an argument. aka, a troll.
BANNED! Until next time. I think any new members who start acting even remotely Selektiv-like should be instantly banned because it'll probably be him again under a new name.
12" is a Barbie format, no. Sry, but i didnt like the size, thats all.
When you collecting 18" figures you cannot accept small 12" , impossible
BANNED! Until next time. I think any new members who start acting even remotely Selektiv-like should be instantly banned because it'll probably be him again under a new name.

YES! maulfan, all other mods, and dave...please take this into consideration. :wave
BANNED! Until next time. I think any new members who start acting even remotely Selektiv-like should be instantly banned because it'll probably be him again under a new name.

That might just be the mandatory 2-week ban for 5 infractions though. And if so, like Arnie, he'll be back. Sooner if he makes a new account. I seriously think this is the same dude who got banned for doing this same thing in the Freddy thread, Jason thread, and the Terminator thread about 6 months ago.
Guys, there are details about everyone on the web that are like signatures of who you are, we've had members try to come back as other names and are banned again for it and if they try to much, are banned without any chance to ever come back to this site.

Selektiv has been temporarily banned and will be back, so do not start talking behind their back, that's no better than what they post, just move along.
Guys, there are details about everyone on the web that are like signatures of who you are, we've had members try to come back as other names and are banned again for it and if they try to much, are banned without any chance to ever come back to this site.

Selektiv has been temporarily banned and will be back, so do not start talking behind their back, that's no better than what they post, just move along.

i'll drop it, but i've just got one question:

i understand the whole banning system, but it's pretty obvious that someone like Selektiv, or V!C, were just trolls, with the soul intention of trolling. so we all expect that when he comes back, he'll troll again, and then get banned again, and it will go on, until it's a permanent ban. so why, when you guys know he's just here to troll, cant you permanently ban him from the start? i don't get it :dunno
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i'll drop it, but i've just got one question:

i understand the whole banning system, but it's pretty obvious that someone like Skeletiv, or V!C, were just trolls, with the soul intention of trolling. so we all expect that when he comes back, he'll troll again, and then get banned again, and it will go on, until it's a permanent ban. so why, when you guys know he's just here to troll, cant you permanently ban him from the start? i don't get it :dunno

It's not my call, I infract when violations are made and if the person eventually violates enough for permanent ban, then it'll happen. The idea is that peopel could change their behavior and those who don't will keep it up often enough they'll eventually hit that permanent mark. I've already infracted selektive on 2 occassions back to back because after an infraction they started right up again. They'll either clean up or be gone for good, either way, eventually a non-issue.
Guys, there are details about everyone on the web that are like signatures of who you are.

Yep, IP addresses. There are ways to get around the system though. It's really easy to change your proxy and/or use a proxy.




The figure looks very fine, but NECA have "only" one big problem , SKIN TONE.

The Horror/sci-fi characters from NECA are phenomenal ! The "NON-Human" characters with face painting like THE CROW, BEETLEJUICE or SPAULDING are much better and thats the reason why the T2 line is not good enough for me.

Like i said before, its good but no chance with the productions from 2004-07, face is too cartoonish.

, anyway we can be really happy and thankful that we have so so many great older productions with gorgeous likeness, some examples

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Like i said before, its good but no chance with the productions from 2004-07, face is too cartoonish.

Yeah its kinda bothersome. How is it that my Conan Temple of the Serpent figure has such a superior paintjob to all my Terminators? The eyes on that are the most realistically painted I've seen in the 7" scale. The T-800s have cartoon eyes next to it.