Official NECA Terminator Thread

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I wouldn't worry man, play always pushes the release dates back. When I was waiting on the 1st series of T-800 figures it would get to the release day but they wouldn't be in stock, they would instead push the release date back. Hang in there, they'll arrive soon enough.
Glad to see this thread back up and running.

I'll play the guessing game too with "The Terminator" series using NECA's formula from their T2 line with several different versions of the T-800 in the first 2 series and the 3rd series introducing a new character.

Series 1:
T-800 (TechN Noir version with Uzi)
T-800 (arm & eye surgery scene)
T-800 (possibily another endoskeleton re-release)
T-800 (12 inch version of the Tech Noir figure)

Series 2:
T-800 (Police station assault with Gargoyles, shotgun, and assault rifle)
T-800 (Battle-damaged version, after the Terminator is run over by the truck)
T-800 (12 inch version of the police station assault figure)

Series 3:
Kyle Reese (Trenchcoat and sawed-off shotgun)
Kyle Reese (No trenchcoat and duffle bag with explosive charges)
I'll be very interested to hear your thoughts if and when you do get it and good or bad.

Well I "pulled ta plug". I ordered it and received my shipping confirmation number. I'll definitely be posting my thoughts on this one.

Really excited and other than a few days, really no waiting game.
Glad to see this thread back up and running.

I'll play the guessing game too with "The Terminator" series using NECA's formula from their T2 line with several different versions of the T-800 in the first 2 series and the 3rd series introducing a new character.

Series 1:
T-800 (TechN Noir version with Uzi)
T-800 (arm & eye surgery scene)
T-800 (possibily another endoskeleton re-release)
T-800 (12 inch version of the Tech Noir figure)

Series 2:
T-800 (Police station assault with Gargoyles, shotgun, and assault rifle)
T-800 (Battle-damaged version, after the Terminator is run over by the truck)
T-800 (12 inch version of the police station assault figure)

Series 3:
Kyle Reese (Trenchcoat and sawed-off shotgun)
Kyle Reese (No trenchcoat and duffle bag with explosive charges)

The way I see it NECA won't do anymore 12" Terminator figures with Hot Toys covering that scale. Maulfan reckons, like I do, that the only reason we have 2 12"ers from NECA right now is because they didn't "anticipate dis move!" from Hot Toys. Sales have possibly not been what they hoped.

I thought of the DIY surgery scene T-800 but doesn't that whole scene have him sitting down? Or even if not I don't think it'd really be worth much without the context of a miniature diorama with the mirror and all that. Lastly to be accurate you couldn't have both the arm cut open and the endo eye at the same time because when hes doing the arm surgery he still has his punk jacket on but then by the time he's doing his eye he's only in the vest and his arm is bandaged up. Hey I'd buy some sort of approximation if they made it but I didn't put it in my list for the above reasons.

Lastly I think you could combine the Police shootout with the BD figure. All it'd really need is an alternate head and some BD gloved hands. But I guess if NECA wanted to milk us they'd make them seperate figures.

Well I "pulled ta plug". I ordered it and received my shipping confirmation number. I'll definitely be posting my thoughts on this one.

Really excited and other than a few days, really no waiting game.

Excellent looking forward to hearing what you think. I've gotta say the headsculpt is only growing on me more and more. I don't think that 'squashed middle' is going to greatly bother me as time goes on. True even now I'm seeing photos that aren't too flattering but it really is a different experience having it in hand.
Ha! I know its wierd, surprised someone noticed! Just never been bothered before but fellow boardie Blade3327 hooked me up with that one.
Damn this talk of "Punk T-800", "Police Shoot Out T-800" and "Battle Damaged T-800" is exciting. A few years ago all of this seemed impossible, especially the dream of T2 figures. Now it's becoming more of a possibility with each passing month.

If Hot Toys and NECA releases Terminator figures from the first film like they are with T2 I'll completely lose it. Things can't get much better than this.
Seriously. All NECA and Hot Toys has to do in terms of Terminator is make four figures, or even 3 like a-dev (Devo, what do you want me to call you. I'm more accustomed to your name from Rebelscum than the one on here) suggested with the alternate head.


- Police Shoot Out (with extra battle damaged head)
- Punk T-800 (maybe include the missing eye head for ____s and giggles as an extra?)

- Kyle Reese (1985)
- Kyle Reese Future (they wouldn't even have to do this one, I wouldn't care)

- Mandatory Endoskeleton

Hell if Kyle is a problem I wouldn't be THAT upset not to get him. Especially if both versions of the T-800 were available.

Hot Toys could do the same thing as above with any of the usual combinations (Multiple MMS or one MMS DX) and I'd flip.

Then really all they'd have to do is include a Motorcycle T-1000 (which may be in the works for either of them) along with a Sarah Connor and John Connor and I'd be set.
a-dev (Devo, what do you want me to call you. I'm more accustomed to your name from Rebelscum than the one on here)


I wondered where we must have met before since you knew me as Devo. Do you post as DiFabio on rebelscum? I don't post enough over there to know anyone really. With no new Star wars figures in such a long time and the next batch just being updates of already made ones I just haven't been in the mood.

I actually prefer A-dev, when I came up with Devo (a dublinised version of my surname) I didn't realise that there was a band called Devo and people kept assuming I'm a fan.
Okay, I'll call you A-dev then. I was on scum and I did post as DiFabio, I think I made the T2 NECA thread there. I was banned last year by GNT and the other mods.

You stood out because you were one of the few people I liked over there. You posted your different variations of the T2 T-800s as well as some customs if I remember correctly.

I'm bored so I decided to make something since I'm pretty excited about all these possibilities.


Crap I know but I'm giving my Mac book pro a rest (it has photoshop) and I'm on my PC. Obviously that's MS paint right there. Maybe later I'll change the font, color of the pants, etc with photoshop just for fun.

It's just that I can almost imagine what a T1 line would be like. All new sculpts, packaging, guns etc.
Okay, I'll call you A-dev then. I was on scum and I did post as DiFabio, I think I made the T2 NECA thread there. I was banned last year by GNT and the other mods.

You stood out because you were one of the few people I liked over there. You posted your different variations of the T2 T-800s as well as some customs if I remember correctly..

Thanks. Just checked you did indeed start that thread which I'm still posting in now and again, sorry for not noticing.

I'm not a fan of the system of posting at rebelscum. I hate the way if I want to put a word in italics I have to get my computer to authorise it each and every individual time and then type the word into a seperate pop-up window. Just really awkward.

For the T1 packaging I think you chose the image they would most certainly use. One day, one day :pray:
I wouldn't worry man, play always pushes the release dates back. When I was waiting on the 1st series of T-800 figures it would get to the release day but they wouldn't be in stock, they would instead push the release date back. Hang in there, they'll arrive soon enough.

Nah this is different. I use play a LOT and am used the the status of the orders. Dates always get pushed back that is normal. But this is different. On the date they had as their release date, the items vanished and have never come back. The order is still there, but normally the date would just change on these items.

This is why I mention it, it is not a normal case of the date being wrong. It seems like are not now getting the stock.

LOL they just came back. So might be ok now. But it is still weird.

:( And NOW I just got an email saying the preorders are cancelled cos they cant get them. Weird!!!!
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