You and your obsession with Arnolds hair.
I know.

NECA are great with sculpting his hair, the police shootout sculpt is an exception to the rule with them. Maybe they know it but it was a budget issue.
Anyway I got my Ultimate T-1000s today - nice figure, QC seems much better than the original T-1000 releases thank ****.
However there's a few things short of making him truly ultimate - the sword arm (originally came with Motorcycle Cop version), a left-hand trigger finger and I would have gone with the fully split head instead of the ''healing'' head. Maybe it was a case of they could only fit so much inside the blister.
I also kinda wish they would have gone with the Galleria battle-damage for the chest instead of just reissuing the Pescadero battle-damage. The other thing is, and this also applies to the previous T-1000 releases, the bullet damage parts are more like exit wounds, applied
onto the figure instead of
into the figure. This is one thing that McFarlane got right with the Movie Maniacs T-1000 - the bullet damage was recessed into the chest and there were exit wounds on the back. I'm sure there's a reason NECA didn't do this, it probably came down to money.
As regards the headsculpts I've always had a feeling that the clean sculpt was a bit too long in the face and I've just now noticed that it definitely seems longer compared to the Donut head. I think the latter has it right with a slightly shorter face. Otherwise very good likenesses.
Lastly, although I'm in work and can't compare, I'd say this one is definitely shorter than the previous T-1000s and is thus probably accurately sized compared to the Ultimate T-800. Thing is I wish they'd stayed consistent with the previous figures, I don't like this trend of figures getting smaller.
^^that looks like a lot of complaining but believe it or not I'm actually pretty happy with the figure overall. Really glad to have a T-1000 that doesn't feel like it's going to break, nice enough paint apps, the interchangeable torso is a great idea and I can now replace the previous weird looking scaly-skinned Donut head I had before.