Official NECA Terminator Thread

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I think I'm seeing ankle joints in those pics.

If Motorcycle Cop is to be the last of the Ultimates I really hope he has full compatibility with the previous Ultimate T-1000 so I can make my own Ultimate steel mill version.
I was hoping that the Ultimate T-1000 would have articulated knees so that he could sit on this motorcycle:


No knee articulation makes this an easy pass for me.
Randy said there was a delay with FedEx holding a bunch of new reveals and prototypes. It won't arrive until tomorrow. Maybe there's some more Terminator reveals to come?
Yeah it won't quite bend where the knee should bend but it ought to still be able to sit on the bike.

Yeah, you and Difabio are right. I hadn't looked at my motorcycle cop in awhile. He does have some limited knee articulation. I guess it would depend on how much hip rotation the new figure has as to whether he could sit on the bike. I will probably wait for some in hand reviews before deciding to pick this one up.
so now a-dev gets all the credit :)

Totally agree :)

Stefan can you give a close-up shot of what you did to the elbows. This is something I'd consider doing to mine. Also where are the fire effect and the shell casings from? Would love to have those.

With NECA getting into muzzle flash effects this is something they should consider

Sure pal:

First I dremmel out the elbows:


For the shells I use this painted in gold:


And for the fire effect I borrow an effect from mi figma ironman make a silicone mold, cast with clear resin with clear color and add some matte white in the base, aslo add a pice of a paper clip.

Don't need a re-release of that pitiful figure. I guess if you missed it the first time around, then sure, you want it.

I seem to remember it being quite good, but yeah I missed it.... Was never a fan of the almost zero articulation in the early ones, and didn't realise that kyle was the first one they'd pushed the boat out on articulation wise..... So I'd love another shot at him...
Totally agree :)

Sure pal:

First I dremmel out the elbows:

View attachment 279453

For the shells I use this painted in gold:

View attachment 279456
View attachment 279457

And for the fire effect I borrow an effect from mi figma ironman make a silicone mold, cast with clear resin with clear color and add some matte white in the base, aslo add a pice of a paper clip.

View attachment 279459

Thanks Stefan, very inventive with the shells and the fire effect. I've saved those pics for reference if I decide to try it myself.

Don't need a re-release of that pitiful figure. I guess if you missed it the first time around, then sure, you want it.

Yeah, not a big fan of the existing Reese figure. With a full range of leg articulation though it'd be a welcome improvement because the fixed stance on the old one is too limiting and he falls over easily. I don't like the headsculpt but Randy seemed to like it so we'd probably be stuck with it.

The Alien 3 Ripley gave a good concept of how to include his other looks though - the navy-coloured coat and the sleeveless shirt....although I'm not sure if they'd go to this trouble for him.
*Discreetly bundles P. aside, incapacitating him with a flurry of jabs to the midsection, steps back into thread with smug grin to resume basking in credit for Mantis pose*
yeah yeah, i talked and talked about proper pose, gathered screengrabs, was repeatedly attacked by your troll friends for caring about movie poses... then you call it mantis and get all the fame:
Totally agree :)
Lets clarify then - calling it the 'Mantis pose' was originated by P. and it was he who drew my attention to the actual way Arnie holds the minigun in T2. Previous to that most of us assumed he was holding it down by his waist - the ''fireman hose'' (also a P. trademark description).

P. in truth did get flak for his posts on this subject back in the day - but he wasn't wrong. The evidence is up there on the screen and our figures look better with this attention to detail.
I've been following their updates since yesterday. Their showing sucks this year, Turtles aside.

Hate to say it but yeah, I was pretty underwhelmed. I was 90% sure we'd be seeing John Connor or if not that then some kind of new T-800 or T-1000 variant they haven't done before. They didn't even display a loose Galleria T-800 with the new rosebox - how silly is that.

When they revealed the Rosebox T-800 and the Ultimate Motorcycle Cop figures on twitter over the past 2 weeks I kinda thought they'd be holding something back for the show itself. I allowed the excitement to build. After this I won't make that mistake again.


though i thought it was you who called it mantis.
it must have been Difabio then :) I don't think it was me. Funny we should be talking about the Mantis pose just as NECA reveals their Mantis Alien.
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Funny we should be talking about the Mantis pose just as NECA reveals their Mantis Alien.
that thing was lovely, i even thought for a while about "collecting a zoo", like somebody in alien thread said.