Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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It didn't need more talking scenes, it needed better dialogue, there was enough talking as it is, people were just talking S__t
I wish they would have kept most of the deleted scenes. Added a lot to certain characters and Janek all of a sudden explaining to Shaw that they were on a military outpost wouldn't have seem so out of nowhere if they kept his scene with Vickers. The speaking scene with the Engineer made more sense. Just a lot more sense was made all around if the deleted scenes would have been kept in. Now I am really hoping for an extended cut down the line. I want the deleted scenes added in to the film. Makes it much stronger.

Plus, the fight with Shaw and the Engineer added some much needed suspense at the end. The theatrical cut of the final battle just sort of happens without any real emotion.

I like this film a lot, just feel that Ridley made some editing decisions that were kind of jarring. I also really want to read Jonathan Spaihts original draft before Lindeloff got on board. Really would have liked to see the original version of the Shaw-Holloway sex scene discussed in the making of documentary. The creature coming out of his chest mid coitus would have been pretty disturbing.
saw the movie tonite at slingblayde's 120" lcd 3d projector.

WOW the movie looked amazing.
it was a great movie and it will make part of my blu ray collection.
loved david.
How much do you love him?


I'm posting it again damn it!
Picked it up after school today on four-disc. Kind of odd that they would lump in the extra special features disc with the 3D version only, but for only $5 more I was cool with it.

I will say that the Digital Copy is hugely disappointing. No option for simply downloading the file to your computer for use with Windows Media Player. It's either iTunes (don't have any portable Apple products) or Ultraviolet (which can't even be transferred to other devices).
UltraViolet can be synced up with Android stuff.

But you can still download iTunes to watch it. Not a huge deal. You don't need an apple product to have it.
I wish they would have kept most of the deleted scenes. Added a lot to certain characters and Janek all of a sudden explaining to Shaw that they were on a military outpost wouldn't have seem so out of nowhere if they kept his scene with Vickers. The speaking scene with the Engineer made more sense. Just a lot more sense was made all around if the deleted scenes would have been kept in. Now I am really hoping for an extended cut down the line. I want the deleted scenes added in to the film. Makes it much stronger.

Plus, the fight with Shaw and the Engineer added some much needed suspense at the end. The theatrical cut of the final battle just sort of happens without any real emotion.

I like this film a lot, just feel that Ridley made some editing decisions that were kind of jarring. I also really want to read Jonathan Spaihts original draft before Lindeloff got on board. Really would have liked to see the original version of the Shaw-Holloway sex scene discussed in the making of documentary. The creature coming out of his chest mid coitus would have been pretty disturbing.
