official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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you want logic? its likely the crappy economy will make it last 8-10 figures or less....who can keep buying these at $100 piece plus shipping?? unless your borrowing, going into more debt buying these, spending beyond what you can really afford....that better devilof76??
you want logic? its likely the crappy economy will make it last 8-10 figures or less....who can keep buying these at $100 piece plus shipping?? unless your borrowing, going into more debt buying these, spending beyond what you can really afford....that better devilof76??

The thing is, At their core, fantasy or not,m Gi Joe is a military line. and 1/6th milatary igures have a much larger following than any other 1/6th line. Don't beleive me? head over to OSW and take a look.
Lets look at it from another angle. How many releases a year does Hot Toys do with their Armed forces figures? 3? 4? And people still buy them regardless of the gap inbetween. Not to mention that they are all 120$ + shipping.
This line has potential to be the next $star War$ cash cow for sideshow. I'd much rather they take their time with them, and do each release RIGHT, rather than have them flood the market with substandard product.
Trust me, they've got a good pace going, and people will buy them, this line is not going anywhere. If anything, a nice, even Pacing to the releases will help the line, and prevent people from canceling in this "crappy economy."
hmmm so I guess the predicted job losses for 2009 and lots of retail chains on their way to closing wont affect much huh? more service jobs lost, more people getting laid off their jobs..yeah I see the 1/6 scale line lasting a long time. The propaganda machine (TV) has finally admitted were in a recession and we could be quite headed into a great depression worse than ' and necessities will overcome plastic statues anyday
If you follow any of this...people are cutting back...and what Sideshow doesnt tell you is how much product gets cancelled? how much product they get stuck with? Nah go back to Sleep!
I heard the released date was in March. around the 2nd week and that same month Cobra Commander was suppose to be released in march or June.

Oh really? And where did you hear that? :naughty

Guys, When I look at the pics of the Cobra Trooper and Cobra Commander I can see clearly they are on the prometheus body, but Snake Eyes looks diferent, as if he was in a diferent body.
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hmmm so I guess the predicted job losses for 2009 and lots of retail chains on their way to closing wont affect much huh? more service jobs lost, more people getting laid off their jobs..yeah I see the 1/6 scale line lasting a long time.

It will effect plenty. But Sideshow has been hedging their bets for the past two years. Lower edition sizes, higher prices. They seem to be ahead of the curve. And as has been pointed out, we're not all losing our jobs. The unemployment rate is at 6.7% right now. I take it you understand what that means the employment rate is.

teemu said:
The propaganda machine (TV) has finally admitted were in a recession and we could be quite headed into a great depression worse than '29.....

I don't watch tv. And if it's a propaganda machine when it's saying we're not in a recession, why is it a vehicle for truth when it's predicting doom?

teemu said:
food and necessities will overcome plastic statues anyday
If you follow any of this...people are cutting back...and what Sideshow doesnt tell you is how much product gets cancelled? how much product they get stuck with? Nah go back to Sleep!

We see exactly what gets cancelled by what turns up on the gift cards list. Wake me up when you get some new material.

It will effect plenty. But Sideshow has been hedging their bets for the past two years. Lower edition sizes, higher prices. They seem to be ahead of the curve. And as has been pointed out, we're not all losing our jobs. The unemployment rate is at 6.7% right now. I take it you understand what that means the employment rate is.

Unemployment is alot higher than whats being reported and could hit 20% in 2009

I don't watch tv. And if it's a propaganda machine when it's saying we're not in a recession, why is it a vehicle for truth when it's predicting doom?

People believe everything the TV says and the media lies to the people dont watch Tv, but billions do and are under a spell

We see exactly what gets cancelled by what turns up on the gift cards list. Wake me up when you get some new material.

well goodnight then,nothing worse than being in denial of things
Still got Snake Eyes on order and really looking forward to him... just hoping the joints are tightened up a bit on him. Don't want a Snake Eyes with Narcolepsey :lol
People act as if somehow 10 figures in a line is a "failure". Imagine a shelf of SSC quality 1/6 scale Joes that looked like this:

A pretty awesome line-up and fantastic tribute to GI Joe. Of course I hope we see 20-30 figures or more and that all my personal favorites are represented but I never thought a company like SSC would *ever* make Joe figures like this so I'll take what I can get. Seriously these figures are a dream come true.

While I'd love to see the line exceed 10 figures, I'm not holding my breath. People said the same about most of the other lines as well and with the recent LOTR blemish, I think that's a stark example of what we can expect. That said, we're already 3 characters into the 10 in those images and 7 away from completing them. I can live with that and it's definitely a line worth picking up if 5 from each will be realized. What I don't want though, is some oddball release inserted into the schedule which prevents us from getting the core first. That's the meat, the rest is just gravy.

you want logic? its likely the crappy economy will make it last 8-10 figures or less....who can keep buying these at $100 piece plus shipping?? unless your borrowing, going into more debt buying these, spending beyond what you can really afford....that better devilof76??

I think it's hilarious how you keep saying that people will cancel the "little plasticy figures" and there's no mention of the overpriced polystone statues, 1:1 busts, etc. To me, it seems like the inexpensive collectibles would be more appealing than the larger, more expensive (double the price +) ones. From what I've seen on the forums, several people are cutting back on other lines to pick this one up. You're absolutely right that Sideshow is feeling a blow. The Hell Boy Samaritan video that ambushed you once you arrived at their website, the near shameless emails to waitlisters about armored Obi Wan and the Indy PF video that recently utilized the Samaritan ambush tactics. Additionally, more and more freaks are listing their collectibles in the commerce forums. The thing that you're missing, is what I said earlier. Most are listing the excess collectibles and passing on the non-must haves so that they can pick up or maintain their favorite lines.
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I can live with that and it's definitely a line worth picking up if 5 from each will be realized. What I don't want though, is some oddball release inserted into the schedule which prevents us from getting the core first. That's the meat, the rest is just gravy.

It'd be interesting to see who people consider to be the "core" GI Joe characters. In fact, I think I'll start a new thread. :D
Just realised that Sideshow omitted a VERY IMPORTANT accessory for Snake Eyes.


should of been the Exclusive...then I definitely wouldnt even think of canceling