official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Wow - if this forum thread wasn't free to read I'd cancel my SSC SE order and use the 120 bucks to pay an entrance fee to this thread.

By that I mean (a) this thread is hilarious and; (b) this SE figure blows goats!

The arguement about the size of the visor is awesome - the tit for tat comments back and forth are priceless. Then there is the Christmas Vacation comment about Clark. Good Gawd that's funny. I love the emoticon the guy used when he identified the reference: :lecture

Ah ha ha ha - he schooled everyone.

Seriously, I am pissing myself laughing at work here.

So yeah, back to SE - TRAIN WRECK is really the word for it. This figure is hideous. I don't know what happened between the prototype pics and these pics (maybe a recession) but this thing is horendous. It is definitely the body that blows. He looks like a big wad of spaghetti wrapped in a black leotard. Not my picture of a hero, that's for sure. The head... well, the visor looks somewhat large, but may not be too badly outta whack. I think it's the head size to shoulder size ratio that is really throwing everyone for a loop. The head might be slightly too big but it's tough to really guage it when the figure has ABSOLUTELY NO SHOULDERS!

Thanks for the bait and switch Sideshow, but you've been busted. :horror
That's really great that SE can now sit with his legs crossed and meditate but what we really wanted was for SE to be able to stand up and look like he's gonna kick the crap outta all of Cobra all by himself. Sadly, he now looks like Stever Rogers before drinking the super soldier serum that turned him into Captain America. Pitiful.

Aaaand, it's also a shame that Sideshow is underhandedly preying upon everyone's love of this character. There are fans on this forum who are such die-hard SE fans, who LOVE SE soooo much that they are completely blinded to how much this figure sucks. It's sad, because those poor fans cannot possibly bring themselves to cancel their order for this figure and as a result Sideshow is gonna think we're all suckers and keep making this junk.

Way more than disappointed. :tap

um your not allowed to have an opinion here and then the insults come after. I am surprised your post didnt get deleted
I've been following the discussion over Snake Eyes on this and other boards with mild interest.
I'm not a fan (didn't even know if he was one of the good or the bad guys!) so I have no emotional connection to the character.

I think it's an incredibly loaded figure with amazing detail. But I do think the body looks a bit skinny in that outfit. Just my opinion.
Well Monkey Depot is the only one so far, and he says it's fine, so I'm not going to lose hope yet.

But is this still coming out in March? How did MD get one so early?
Well Monkey Depot is the only one so far, and he says it's fine, so I'm not going to lose hope yet.

But is this still coming out in March? How did MD get one so early?

That's my question,too. I can't wait to get this figure and SS has packaged pics and now these MD pics have surfaced. WTF???
The shoulders and arms do like a bit small, but Ill wait til I have it in hands before passing judgement
What does everyone think if Sideshow were to dump the Prometheus and then just contract out the TrueType for all their figures?

I'd be all for it! I'm not liking the Prometheus, and I absolutely hate the Buck even more (and the female Buck is by far the worst 1:6 "high-end" body out there). It seems that Sideshow just may not be up to the task of creating a very good 1:6 body. Well, except for the armor body. That shows lots of promise. But, then, it was co-developed by Hot Toys.
I bet it won't be easy to get that uniform on a TT without major reconstruction. Look at how tightly fitted the shirt is.

Hopefully the shirt is the Sideshow standard that's kept in place with an elastic band around the leg.

um your not allowed to have an opinion here and then the insults come after. I am surprised your post didnt get deleted

Re-read his post. You could actually learn a thing or three. He knows how to critique something from an educated POV, not just butt yapping, didn't use any name calling or sexual references, nor did he preach to anyone about Professional Wrestling's NWO resurgence or impending apocalypse.

I'd be all for it! I'm not liking the Prometheus, and I absolutely hate the Buck even more (and the female Buck is by far the worst 1:6 "high-end" body out there). It seems that Sideshow just may not be up to the task of creating a very good 1:6 body. Well, except for the armor body. That shows lots of promise. But, then, it was co-developed by Hot Toys.

Well, don't forget to lump the Hobbit body in there too bud. Everyone whined about that and it was also co-designed by Hot Toys. I'm beginning to agree about the Pro though. While the pics show that the shoulders can actually hold a pose (which I'm stoked about), I don't know which looks more odd, the Pro or the Buck? :huh :lol
I'd be all for it! I'm not liking the Prometheus, and I absolutely hate the Buck even more (and the female Buck is by far the worst 1:6 "high-end" body out there). It seems that Sideshow just may not be up to the task of creating a very good 1:6 body. Well, except for the armor body. That shows lots of promise. But, then, it was co-developed by Hot Toys.

This idea would probably work for me. I just want it to look more like the prototype pics, which blatantly stated means I need him to be bulkier. In the Monkey Depot pics he absolutely looks like a shrivelled up old man in spandex. I could deal with the head and visor being a touch to big or something if the body looked fit and healthy and tough. In the Mokey Depot pics he looks like a wimp. I know a bulkier body means not as much articulation, but I'm pretty sure the majority of folks wanna pose good old Snake-Eyes in combat action... not sitting around by a campfire.
um your not allowed to have an opinion here and then the insults come after. I am surprised your post didnt get deleted

I thought this response was weird.

Is there a reason I don't get an oppinion? :confused:
Hopefully the shirt is the Sideshow standard that's kept in place with an elastic band around the leg.

Re-read his post. You could actually learn a thing or three. He knows how to critique something from an educated POV, not just butt yapping, didn't use any name calling or sexual references, nor did he preach to anyone about Professional Wrestling's NWO resurgence or impending apocalypse.

I did read his post and there was alot of truth in it...the figure is decent but not great like you think it far as insult me first and you act like you own the place that I cannot say anything back.As far as New World Order...its not wrestling I am talking about..of course your mind thinks its wrestling's NWO as your a dumbed down sheep who wont research what the New World Order is...its documented and going mainstream and even our beloved political leaders are calling for it and have called for it in the past (george bush sr)...but your too busy to wake the hell up!

watch stupid, its not a conspiracy...find out what it is
I thought this response was weird.

Is there a reason I don't get an oppinion? :confused:

No, he's an eccentric paranoid schizophrenic. Don't read into it any more than that.

I did read his post and there was alot of truth in it...the figure is decent but not great like you think it far as insult me first and you act like you own the place that I cannot say anything back.As far as New World Order...its not wrestling I am talking about..of course your mind thinks its wrestling's NWO as your a dumbed down sheep who wont research what the New World Order is...its documented and going mainstream and even our beloved political leaders are calling for it and have called for it in the past (george bush sr)...but your too busy to wake the hell up!

watch stupid, its not a conspiracy...find out what it is

because Sideshow nutsswingerss dont like their precious Sideshow product talked down on

Personal insults, name calling and sexual references. What the hell is wrong with you man? Can you not listen to what Khev aka THE mod here has been telling you? As for the NWO, my reference was a joke to your ridiculousness. I don't take you seriously because, really, you're a joke bub. Additionally, you send me to friggin' YouTube for thruth?! :rotfl There's a bunch of Fillipinos doing Jedi backflips and playing with lightsabers there (as well as a particularly chubby kid with excellent skills with a double-saber), a bunch of people turning into shrieker demons, etc. I take it that's all real too, right teemu? :huh WTF?!

(Stay Off My Lawn!!) :rotfl:lol

OOOO my god what the hell happend....He is a lil fat guy in a ninja suit the arms are way too small the thighs are to fat the visor is too big Dose he have man boobs?....This is too funny I can't stop laughing.....Sideshow is always damn good but not this one..... It looks more like they made a figure of a fan dressed as snake eyes then the char....I like snake eyes but ill never buy this looking like that.........