Watched the 2:25am show this morning. It's now 4:50 pm.
WOW. Loved it.
The show didn't seem like it was 2 1/2 hours to me, seemed shorter. I hope there weren't any scenes censored. Either that or I enjoyed it so much that time just flew by. I found myself constantly waiting for Joker to appear on screen to see what else the maniac would do next.
The audience at my show were basically "well-behaved" throughout. The only times there were any sort of reactions were mainly the Joker scenes. Example:
1 - The magic trick: you could hear the audience groan out loud
2 - The hospital scenes: when Joker sits down beside Harvey and says "Hi" with the goofy looking (shy?) smile on his face. The whole wig and expression was pure GOLD. Then there's the hand washing and the detonation to blow up the hospital
3 - Batman's confrontation with Sal Maroni at the club. When Batman drops him and you hear the crunch of the bones when Maroni's legs hit the pavement *loud audience groan as if to go "OUCCCCCCHHHHHH"
A couple of things that I noticed or I might have missed:
1. In Batman Begins, when Batman visits Gordon at his home while he's taking out the trash, I think I noticed that Gordon's child (son or daughter) toddler sitting in the kitchen with his wife. Batman Begins was 1 year (est) in the movie timeline. But Gordon's children seem to be like 3 - 4 years old in TDK?
2. When they were looking for Maroni's moles/informants in the Police Dept, why did they start looking for people who had family in the hospitals? I might have missed that part, I mean - how did they come up to that conclusion?
3. Who were the 5 people that Harvey killed and Batman taking the blame for?
There are a couple of things that got me thinking, trying to find the connections etc. but they've slipped my mind for now.
As for the ending, I guess Bruce was really touched by Harvey's speech at the restaurant "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain".
A complete reversal of roles, where Batman and Gordon conspired to have Harvey remembered as the Hero/White Knight of Gotham, while Batman has now become the "villain" taking the responsibilities for the deaths of those people.
Can't wait for the DVD!