Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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Haha, I was watching "Hitch" just now and it had the "You complete me" line Tom Cruise said in "Jerry Maguire" (Eva Mendes was watching that movie). Which Joker says to Batman, of course. :lol
4 times

I admit, I'm a freak!!

LOL I havent even seen Hellboy 2 yet but I might just skip it completely to see The Dark Knight again. Part of me says only see The Dark Knight two times, whenever I see a movie in theater 3 or 4 times I get sick of it. I saw Spiderman 3 (yes, I love that movie) 6 times and I kinda got sick of it.
i think i must have listened to the soundtrack 15 times now (and i just got it yesterday).

the Joker theme is so haunting and aggressive! batman theme is so heroic and yet sad at the same time. Two-Face theme is so tragic. love it!!!
i think i must have listened to the soundtrack 15 times now (and i just got it yesterday).

the Joker theme is so haunting and aggressive! batman theme is so heroic and yet sad at the same time. Two-Face theme is so tragic. love it!!!

That new Batman theme is great! I have the track "Like a Dog Chasing Cars" on repeat. I am just hooked on the new theme.
Loved the movie! I thought it was better than Batman Begins (the 3rd act in BB was disappointing). I am a critic however and I do have a mini-review.

-JOKER/JOKER CONCEPT: Heath Ledger did an AMAZING job in his last complete film role and it's very sad that we have lost such a talent just as he was beginning to bloom. God bless you Heath and thank you.

Ledger did a fantastic job as the Joker and was clearly the outstanding performance here. His mannerism (even the little "licking of his lips" b/c of his scarring), voice, posture, etc. were amazing and this is certainly Ledger's definitive role. I also have to extend credit though to the screenwriters and Nolan...Joker is NOT JUST A CROOK with clown make-up. This is something I love that these filmmakers are doing is that there is a concept behind each character. Obviously, Joker was an "agent of chaos" as he said, and he took his main sadistic pleasure to watching people break their own morals and rules to commit something they normally wouldn't. Disrupting the "natural order" not only of society, but of individuals as well...what a FANTASTIC concept for the Joker and you actually can see what his psychopathic tendencies had something BEHIND them instead of just being a "plain psycho".

-BATMAN/CHRISTIAN BALE: Another great performance by an actor who has never failed to disappoint in my opinion. Though there was some questionable use of the "angry Batman voice", overall Bale did amazing and it reflected. I also like how though Batman has a "no kill" policy, he still won't hesistate to cripple or maim like he did when dropped Sal Malroni off the roof. Batman began realizing that his appearance was both a gift and curse to the city, that though he could rid the city of crime, he was bringing out some of the WORST criminals that Gotham has ever seen.

-THOUGHTFUL/UNIQUE SUPERHERO ACTION MOVIE: This went beyond a GREAT but somewhat stereotypical superhero movie (ex. Iron Man...while an AWESOME movie overall, it didn't have the depth as TDK) and analyzed such things as human nature and invoked more thinking than casual movies. I read that Nolan stated a prime theme of the movie was "escalation", meaning that "things have to get to their very worst before they get better" and this was even mentioned by some characters during the film. Not to mention Joker's anachist goals and his direction of everything in the film to break everyone of their moral. It made for a unique movie that was MUCH more than just about action and superheroes/supervillains. This is why I love how Nolan is grounding his Batman in reality.

-HARVEY DENT/TWO-FACE: I was a little worried about Harvey Dent but he turned out really well and Eckhart did a great job! The foreshadowing of his dark tendencies was great to give a clue to a possible "evil side" and the creation of "Two-Face" was actually well done and very clever! Even down to making the other half of his suit "burnt and scorched" to capture the comic look in a realistic way (besides the silly, half-suit designs in the comics). The burnt face was also really well done, I'm curious as to whether someone could really survive like that?

-JIM GORDON/GARY OLDMAN: Another actor who I believe never fails to disappoint, Oldman once again did a great job as a character you actually care about..and was bad-@$$ doing it as well when he popped up during the end.

-NEW BATSUIT: I love it, makes sense for reality and the jokes about "turning his head" were great to point out some flaws of the original suit.

-BATMOBILE/BATPOD: Love the Tumbler and I loved the Batpod...I'm glad I pre-ordered the HT versions of both.

-RACHEL DAWES/Maggie Gylenhaal: Maggie is definitely a better actress than Katie Holmes (who looks like she's 14 years old) and she did well picking up Katie Holmes' role. However, I was never attached to the character since the first one and I didn't really miss seeing her go. She is on the positive side here because I respect Gylenhaal and she helped contribute to Harvey's fall into madness.

-SCARECROW: I know this was a short,short cameo but it was great to see Batman going after one of his trademark villains instead of a bunch of random criminals for an early "Batman crimefighting scene". Thanks so much to Murphy for showing up!

-SAL MARONI: Eric Roberts has a scuzzy look to him, he did a good job playing up the mob boss that replaces Roman Falcone.

-GOTHAM CITY: I remember seeing how some people mentioned Gotham looking "clean"...I think this was also done to reflect how over the year or so that has passed since "Batman Begins", that Batman and law have already begun to "clean up" the city.

-SETTING IT UP: Obviously they are setting it up for the "typical" Batman we know. By the 3rd movie, we'll have Wayne manor rebuilt with the "Batcave", possibly more villains we know, and Batman as the full-blown vigilante we know and love. He'll probably still meet Gordon, though now in secret away from the rest of the cops who will think of him as a "cop-killer".

-NOT ENOUGH JOKER!: Not enough Joker!!!! 'Nuff said!

-FAST AND/OR AWKWARD CUTS (especially during the Poor Chase scene): There were some fast cuts that looked a little awkward when trying to match up a high octane scene. Namely the part where Batman is on the Batpod and trying to race through the city and catch up with the Joker. Some of the cuts and camera angles of this race through the city looked awkward. The chase scene in Batman Begins was well done, but this one didn't fare as well in my opinion. There were also some other cuts that were strange and felt out of place, but I can't recall them right now.

-RACHEL DAWES: Looking back, I have to put her here too. I was never attached to the character. I was surprised to see her die, but I didn't care. I cared more for Harvey though and it was interesting to see her death contribute to his descent. I also wish Maggie was cast in the first place instead of Holmes.
Bardoon;1026336 The burnt face was also really well done said:
As cool as it was, it wasn't very realistic. If they went a more realistic route it would have looked more horrifying. Maybe even haunting IMO. Also, less CGI, too.

Probably would have given me nightmares compared to what they did go with. :horror