saw the film last night and all i can say is, it gave me serious eye strain. did anyone notice that a majority of the camera shots had you looking directly into either smoke or light? especially from the second half on. every couple of seconds you were either looking into the sun, a spotlight, a flashlight, an explosion, or fire. And just as your eyes were adjusting, another flash would make you see spots again. now i don't know if it's the director, michael bay, or the lighting guy who is responsible, but it made it very difficult to follow the fast moving action. i mean jesus, it was like it had been filmed by a guy in film school that didn't know better not to look into the sun. it kind of pissed me off because i could have really enjoyed it if it wasn't for that. but megan fox was UNBELIEVABLE!!! WOW!!! what a hottie!
Were you on XTC?