Never said Transformers was gay, only said Eli was a Transformer.
I know Dave has some insecurity issues so he expresses them through knocking me down. It's okay. I can handle it.
Nah, I know he's kidding. Atleast I would hope so, since the discussion on hand is so innocent and trivial. But that aside, it's not that we're dooped into believing this is a good film, we KNOW it's a good film based on the source materiel it's based on. That is my opinion, and while you may not agree with it, it doesn't make it any less valuable than your's. After all, those who have to attack other's for having one, well, are being pretty small minded IMO.
The original 1980's Transformers (pre 1986 film and Beastwars) had a terrible story arch to begin with. Character development was there for the first few characters. Albeit, lacking in that area, but it was definitely there. However, half way through season 1 or the start to season 2 character development was hindered due to the fact Hasbro and Marvel didn't take the average viewer seriously. They were trying to sell kids their product, which was the Transformer toys in a 22 minute weekly commercial.
Heck, even Hasbro admitted to it being a big 22 minute commercial ad. As every cartoon nowadays that were created after the toy. In some cases, even prior to it. It's obvious. Not to a bunch of then 5 to 12-year-olds, but is clearly evident now as we are now young adults. My point is, unless you seen the G1 cartoons recently, you can't really relate the movie to the source material. But if you have, you would give your head a good shake and come to the conclusion that yes, this movie is so silly it falls along the same lines of those old corny yet entertaining 80's Marvel Group produced episodes.
In the end, I feel like this topic is so overplayed and recycled, as if we were playing a scratched up record that constantly plays that verse over and over again. I hate to say this Dave, but for a guy who likes to tease Transformer fans on their intellectual level, you sure have a hard time moving on.
Man, and I thought I had obsession compulsive disorder bad. You sir take the cake. hehe
btw If you get this bent out of shape over what certain individuals think of a pop corn flick, I would hate to see how you handle more serious everyday situations.
Of course I am teasing Dave. hehe I mean if you can dish it out you certainally can take it.