Super Freak
This is more a case of an individual who has failed the education system.

This is more a case of an individual who has failed the education system.
...The lipstick to simulate the flushing of the lips, and the blush to simulate the flushing of the cheeks, and yet women walk around with this F me face all day long, as if it was normal. Especially troubling is that teenage girls wear it too. Think of how much teen pregnancies would be reduced if teenage girls didn't wear make up. I bet the percentage of difference would be significant.
Lejuan, in reading through this thread I wanted to remind people of another one of Blackthorneone's greatest hits:
That's what our formal education system was up against.
The irony. When I was looking for KKK vids to post against Hydeous' homophobic rants earlier today,...
The irony. When I was looking for KKK vids.
The irony is you get on me about race and here you are looking up KKK vids.![]()
The irony is you get on me about race and here you are looking up KKK vids.![]()
That is one of the stupidest things l have ever heard blackthorn say. "Makeup on girls causes teen pregnancies", um no, it's the thing between their legs that causes that.
Dude...a girl should NOT have a thing between their legs! Did you skip health class too?!
Lejuan, in reading through this thread I wanted to remind people of another one of Blackthorneone's greatest hits:
That's what our formal education system was up against.
Lejuan, in reading through this thread I wanted to remind people of another one of Blackthorneone's greatest hits:
That's what our formal education system was up against.
I imagine a student who just sort of blended in with the furniture, piping up with an inanity when poked every now and again, but otherwise as dynamic as a jellyfish on a beach.
Drifting through the grades for the entirety of their school life without leaving a single noteworthy impression on pretty much anyone, they emerge at the far end of their formal schooling blinking as though stumbling from a deep cave into the daylight.
Finally, harbouring a deep resentment to those who tried in vain for 12 years to stimulate in them a sense of curiosity, wonder and inquiry of the world around them, they focus all of their individual failings through the lens of victim hood - thus obviating themselves of all blame for their failure to meaningfully connect with one of society's most valuable and generous institutions.
Lejuan, in reading through this thread I wanted to remind people of another one of Blackthorneone's greatest hits:
That's what our formal education system was up against.
1: Only in extreme cases. That was assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder when the kid blew cigarette smoke in your face. So what if it only killed a few of your cells, and made just a few turn cancerous, it was still poison gas. If a kid picks on another student or something like that. That is what the humiliation punishment should be for.This from the bloke who advocates humiliation as a disciplinary strategy
...if this bloke isn't an individual I don't know who is. I mean, most people figure out that the formal education system, for all its faults, provides the most effective route to the socialisation and education of the vast majority of individuals in society. The system evidently doesn't work as well for some as it does for others. The fact that some of these individuals actively opt to disengage from chunks of their formal education is antithetical to the notion that they are oppressed and have crushed spirits. It is, however, utterly and absolutely compatible with the notion that some people are plain freakin' stupid.
Well I never, lack of civility is synonymous with evil and oppression. Here I was thinking that it was a simple case of not tolerating the mindless idiocy, calculated naivety and inane psycho-babble that offends the sensibilities of most people in this thread.
...where the majority view is the informed, considered and rational one, and the minority view is the toss-pot, numbnut, whacko one, there is always hope.
But really, all it takes to crush this bloke's hope is a bunch of people on the internet who disagree with his lunatic opinions and aren't afraid to say so? Wow, this isn't a case of the education system having failed an individual. This is more a case of an individual who has failed the education system.
I had started out in school working hard and getting straight A's, through most of the first grade, and then one day...