No, if the specs say you can only use DDR2 then you can only use DDR2
Do you know what motherboard you have?
No, if the specs say you can only use DDR2 then you can only use DDR2
I want the 780 badly... my ATi 5850 only gets 35-49 frames and it doesn't change even when changing from medium to low settings on games.
Plan to upgrade my i7 930 next year, so maybe depending on whatever CPU+MoBo I decide to purchase at the time... maybe I'll wait till then.
I could buy a 780 now but then would also mean no PS4... decisions, decisions.
Well the card could always be used in the future machine with whatever cpu/board you get.
Not sure when the PS4 is going to be released.
I'm still running my GTX 580 3072 MB GDDR5. It is handling everything I throw at it just fine.
New cards always look tempting to me. But I think I'll just hold off until I make a new build before I decide to buy another one.
Yeah with a resolution like that you'll def see the shortcomings of the card.
What memory capacity is your 580?
1.5gb, which is not nearly enough these days. The day I realized this was when I couldn't get Bioshock Infinite to run at a stable 60fps on 1080p + Ultra.And it's not even that demanding a game by modern pc gaming standards.
From their GTX 770 review:
Dang. I was going to say, if you had the 3gb version I might be able to help you out by buying it off of you to help you with the cost. And let me SLI it with mine.
Early reviews are saying Intel's new Haswell chipset aren't very good desktop cpu's. Their overclock ability is poor.
That's fine, my Sandy Bridge cpu is still kicking arse.