That made my day!!!
Still going with spelling a lot "alot" eh?
Yup.....same with alittle. And when spell check on my PC tells me to change it, I get all Mac on it's ass and say, ____ you PC, I'll do what I want!
That made my day!!!
Still going with spelling a lot "alot" eh?
Yup.....same with alittle. And when spell check on my PC tells me to change it, I get all Mac on it's ass and say, ____ you PC, I'll do what I want!
Yup.....same with alittle. And when spell check on my PC tells me to change it, I get all Mac on it's ass and say, ____ you PC, I'll do what I want!
*karate chops ween in the *****
*punches Eli in his dinkeh....
But mine is still the biggest!
Ewwww! So that's why they call you the Ween... er. Oh, btw I am wearing a cup!
Which do you prefer? Explain.
Is the price difference for similar specs worth it?
The reason I ask is that I have been having more and more problems with my PC to the point that as of this week it looks like it is going to be near impossible to get online and visit the freaks board!!!
Something needs to be done. I had been planning on backing up all my files and wiping the HD, then reload all the programs and operating system, but now I am leaning toward buying new.
Any thoughts?
to be honest, they are about the same performance wise if you spec them neck and neck. (little bit faster there, little bit slower here, kinda evens out) Its more of how you like the way things operate in PC or MAC. For me, its mac, less crashes and much more easier to solve the problems. (PC seems to crash about once or twice a week, Mac crashes about once every two month or so in my experience, add up the time wasted because of the crashes and you get the idea if the cheaper price is worth it)
Also, I find mac to be cheaper in the long run, (though more expensive at the beginning) less hardware upgrades than PC and overall feels more durable. Just my 2 cents.
Well, seeing as Mac OS runs on intel machines now, the whole less hardware upgrades than PC doesn't mean anything anymore.
It is going to be the same hardware in any other laptop/desktop if you go with the intel based. I don't keep up with Mac anymore but do they even have their own proprietary hardware anymore?
Looking at their site all of their laptops are intel processors with basically the same hardware any other PC based company offers. So you are only paying for the shiny case , the OS and the name.
I think you may be right. But what you are missing is all of the testing that Apple does on it's products to make them reliable and compatible. I like the peace of mind knowing that I won't get some weird error I can't fix because a drive or something doesn't like another component.
Well that is the case with any computer manufacturer. Obviously some are going to be better than others but in the end it is all of the same hardware.
Well, seeing as Mac OS runs on intel machines now, the whole less hardware upgrades than PC doesn't mean anything anymore.
I promised myself I would stay out of this thread, but I thought I'd make a point on the whole macs not needing as many hardware upgrades thing.
I think a lot of Windows upgrade their hardware because they don't realize they are mismanaging their system. Virtually every Windows home user out there has a gazillion programs run at startup and then let those programs continue to run services in the background sucking the life out of your PC's resources. Most people don't even realize they're doing this. Or they had 4 or 5 toolbars to IE or Firefox and wonder why "the internet is slow". They figure they either need a new computer or more "memory". My favorite line that I hear often is along the lines of "My computer is slow. I need to delete some e-mails to free up some memory."
I think a lot of people don't realize they have these programs running because they didn't install said programs. They were (often) installed by the manufacturer as demos and ads used to subsidize the cost of your cheap PC. It all depends on where you buy your PC from. *I'll pause here for the chest thumpers to declare that they build their own PC like it's some difficult task* The mac doesn't have any of this crap going on regardless of where you buy it from.
Not to mention the fact that there are no viruses (yet) for OSX, and not a whole lot of malware slowing crap down, it's easy to see how it's perceived the mac hardware runs better and longer than it's Windows counterparts.
Well I know I'm not gonna be building anything.
But I am leaning towards getting a W7PC.