Super Freak
I will buy the Blu because I really liked this movie and I would be onboard for another adventure
I will buy the Blu because I really liked this movie and I would be onboard for another adventure
I would say Will, Elizabeth and Barbossa have had their characters neatly completed by the end of 5, but if this was the last of Jack, it's pretty weak to me. I'd like at least a 6th that focuses on a proper send off for Jack.
My problem is not the last 5 minutes of Sparrow at the end, but the prior 2 hours. This film had Jack hit rock bottom, which is fine, in long running series every heroe does at some point. My issue is that we didn't see him bounce back from it beyond conveniently getting back everything at the last second, and that end is no different than Curse's ending really and we all know that happy ending didn't last. I want the last movie to give us the Jack Sparrow of legend at the helm of the Pearl, reclaiming his glory.
I wasn't really impressed at all with this film. Pirates are cool enough, we don't always need ridiculous supernatural elements. I feel like the first movie did a great job balancing the two. The rest of the films are just rinse and repeat as far as the villains and a lot of the story elements go. Jack sparrow as a character is better than the movies themselves.
While the thread is still active, there is one thing about Dead Men Tell No Tales that has bugged me a bit since I first saw the movie back in May. It will sound like I’m complaining/criticizing, but that’s not my intention – just thought it was worth bringing up since I haven’t seen it discussed here before.
One major element that separates DMTNT from both CotBP and DMC is that both those first two installments were very specific about how the curses over their respective villains worked – Barbossa and his crew were cursed for removing the Aztec gold and Davy Jones and his crew were cursed for abandoning their duties charged to them by Calypso. In DMTNT, we never really get a specific explanation as to why Salazar and his crew were cursed. During the flashback sequence, it almost looked like there was some sort of magical energy that exploded and destroyed the Silent Mary. However, I later read, and noticed on my second viewing, that it was actually the gunpowder aboard the ship that ignited when it hit the reefs in the Devil’s Triangle. If Salazar and his crew died during the accident and gunpowder is merely what caused the explosion, then what did resurrect them from the dead? Maybe I'm overthinking it...
Either way, it doesn’t subtract from my ability to enjoy the film and, for me, it's still the best of 2017.
the movie does a pretty good job of entertaining you to the point of not caring.