Playstation 3 Thread

Collector Freaks Forum

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let's just all ignore collector frea.....I mean jedistarkiller's comments...let him rant on about a system he doesn't even own. just don't respond to his comments or put him on ignore.
YES IT IS SIR, and you know what, i was wrong and i'm sorry for being a DICK, but at lest i can admit when i wrong, sorry if i pissed ya off!

Hey no worries here man, we all get got in the heat of the moment from time to time.

Just wish this PS3 vs 360 bickering would stop.

Both systems have there pros and cons.
^^^ to be honest, i'm about 2 seconds from reporting him to a moderator. for the past two days the only thing he's been doing is starting fights in every thread in the video games forum.
~~i hope he's looking to get banned because he's not far from it.

Go ahead, let them see what you guys have been saying to me. There is no innocent party in this argument, it takes two to argue, and the majority of you guys just egg me on and call me names. I'm pretty sure all the names, and rude remarks you guys put in will just go unnoticed correct?

Remember this is a PS3 thread, if you don't want to start crap I wouldn't post stuff like "Hey at least the PS3 has one good game" in it...That's like me going over to the 360 thread and saying hey, your system blows.
Hey no worries here man, we all get got in the heat of the moment from time to time.

Just wish this PS3 vs 360 bickering would stop.

Both systems have there pros and cons.

thank you dm! just so others didnt see your post, I have quoted it. it's actually quite brilliant!
I really hope in the next update that they add a better messaging system. I really hate the fact that you have to quit the game your playing just to go into a chat with your friends or read a message that was sent to you.
I really hope in the next update that they add a better messaging system. I really hate the fact that you have to quit the game your playing just to go into a chat with your friends or read a message that was sent to you.

Supposedly, in-game XMB will be in the new update.
Hey EVeryone...just got my first Playstation EVER...the new 80GB MGS4 pack-in. Never played a PS before this...but have played X-Box. Looking forward to some exciting and LONG nights getting to know my new favorite toy!

Hey EVeryone...just got my first Playstation EVER...the new 80GB MGS4 pack-in. Never played a PS before this...but have played X-Box. Looking forward to some exciting and LONG nights getting to know my new favorite toy!


Welcome aboard Geb :rock
Hey EVeryone...just got my first Playstation EVER...the new 80GB MGS4 pack-in. Never played a PS before this...but have played X-Box. Looking forward to some exciting and LONG nights getting to know my new favorite toy!


Congrats Geb:chew
Are these bundles a limited run, or are they supposed to be plentiful? I haven't lucked out yet.