Playstation 3 Thread

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Ok, so update! I finally got my PS3 back after a long 42 days, now I can play games and watch movies again. Holy Christ was I missing my PS3 something fierce.
man i just had the strangest thing happen. i started up the PS3 to play the killzone demo, but some message came up saying it couldn't find the startup disc. has this ever happened to anyone else???
i got a question, m thinking of going with the fightstick since Resident Evil 5 is coming out in 2 weeks, but Killzone 2 played failry well on the demo. Im just no exactly sure which one to go with atm. Any input from you all?
Agreed. The fightsticks are hard to get and Killzone isn't going anywhere.

Well just keep in mind its the SE not the Tournament Edition.
