Demi G0D Overseer
I must say I was liking the PS4 more than the One anyways, but now I think I might just get a PS4 for a family Xmas present. What burns me most is the lack of backward compatibility. I mean the damn things won't be able to play GTA V! I've only got so much space in my av rack. And I'm running out of HDMI ports too, and my receiver isn't even 3 years old yet.
I will have room to leave my old PS3 hooked up when I remove my Xbox. I'm not giving anymore money to Microsoft.
I speak with my wallet as much as I can. Just ask the people in the NHL thread. I haven't been in there all year and didn't watch a game this season. I wasn't paying for them because I didn't believe in their lockout. It's important to vote with your wallet. Its really the only power we have as consumers.