Super Freak
Re: Playstation Vita (formerly PSP2/NGP - $250)
I am. Hopefully it'll be at my doorstep when I get home later today.
I am. Hopefully it'll be at my doorstep when I get home later today.
I am. Hopefully it'll be at my doorstep when I get home later today.
Maybe xmas time - depends how well it sells.
It did say on the website they were having them in-store o play with, but didn't say which stores
Hope my local has t to try out.
I really prefer Vita's PSN store to the PS3's, which is a cluttered mess. It's also really easy to transfer the stuff I had on the PS3 onto Vita.
It's a really nice machine, I'm impressed by how fast the OS is. I'm not quite in love with the analog sticks yet. They don't have as much travel distance as the Dual Shock sticks. As of right now, I still prefer the 3DS slide pad when it comes to portable analog sticks. I also dislike how fiddly it is to swap out game carts. You really need your fingernail to pry open the game cart slot cover. It's annoying. Also, the PS button stays lit for the duration that the Vita is on. At the moment I don't see a way to turn it off. It's kinda distracting.
I had Hot Shots Golf and Wipeout sent to me along with the system. I haven't actually played them yet as I'm busy fooling around with the OS, pre-installed minigames and downloading demos from PSN.
Generally, I'm really impressed by the Vita. The last time I've was this impressed by a portable device was the PSP back in 2004.
Congrats plasmid I just ordered my wifi vita from best buy wit hin store pick up on the 22 igot it for 200 cause ihad a 50 gift card. I also ordered pdp pull and go folio case from gamestop, hot shots golf from amazon, 8 gb memory card , and vita screen protector. add me plasmid my gamertag is redrumstang we can play some golf tournaments online I am going to get uncharted but will prob pick it up and the buy 2 get 1 free target sale.
Cant wait to hear fan impressions on Golden Abyss
So far I've really enjoyed it. The gameplay mechanics are really good and I love being able to adjust my aiming by tilting the system around. Watching videos online just dont do the graphics justice, their almost on par with the PS3 and thats saying a lot. The scary thing is that games usually look a lot better a year or so after launch, but this looks phenominal!