Pokemon X & Y

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well normally you have 1/8000 something something chance to encounter a shiny pokemon but with the masuda method (breed your pokemon with another one from another country) that chance gets raised to 5/8000 (or 1/1300) i got two shiny charmanders in a short period of time, remember? =p

but maybe i can get lucky like frostlord was with his marril :dunno

Oh, yes. Now, I remember. You explained that one before!! My fault.
ok, for some reason my friends doesnt appear on my list >.<

get online! :lol
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No, I understand. I just started busting out laughing when I read that. You don't 'dance' with your questions. I like that. :lecture :lol


nah duude! :lol
thats how i play most of the pokemon games. in one game a boy and the other a girl

dont throw away that 4 iv froakie though! D:

Haha yeh I check its IV's and it has protean, Nice!
I really need to get my act together when it comes to this game. You guys run circles around my knowledge base. It's unreal. :lol Very impressive.
yep, its a boy though, so you can only pass that ability over with a ditto :/
I really need to get my act together when it comes to this game. You guys run circles around my knowledge base. It's unreal. :lol Very impressive.

atleast you dont get to experience this situation xD

^^^ :lol That's true.

I do get the awkward situations though, when I talk to friends who are big into next gen consoles. They'll ask: 'So what game you playing?' And this is after we've gone on about games like 'The Last of Us' or games of that caliber.

Then, I chime in: 'Pokemon Y.'

Then, I get the: 'Oh....well....that's cool.....Right?'


I love this game, darn it! :rotfl