Predator Cinemaquette is here!!!!

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they should send a courior to pick it up from your house,thats what fp have done when i needed to send something back..the problem will be the long wait for a replacement:monkey2

i hope will do the same, if you send it back and get another it still may come with a miner fault, got to decide what you can live with.

ironic you mention a fang , I've just noticed on squiders photos one of the fangs in its mouth is snapped on his. :horror:horror

yep now would you send it back for that or live with it?
god .... I don't know. I can't even imagine all the hassle with sending this thing back, :google
I might try a little sculpey or something. Probably ruin it while I'm at it. :rolleyes::rotfl:monkey2

maybe go under the rule if you carnt notice the defect 2 feet away you can live with it? unless its in a area you look at all the time eg: Face

It looked so pretty !. I had to touch it !. His head fell off !!. :(:(:monkey2:monkey2


i told him not to:lol

maybe go under the rule if you carnt notice the defect 2 feet away you can live with it? unless its in a area you look at all the time eg: Face

I'm not sure really. I would have to see when it comes. I guess those of us getting this ( or may be in my case ) have to just cross our fingers. :sick:google
I just checked my e-mail and MY Predator CM is on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully he is in one piece (fingers crossed) He suppose to be here on Thursday
Kinda don't wanna highjack the thread but I do have one from before.

I didn't know the photo was gonna be took , thats why i look so wasted... :lol


These things are unbelivably huge in person , I knew the specs but still in plain view there amazing to look at.

I like the pink christmas tree :banana
That is a damn nice Alien.... I know when I saw the Predator at SDCC I about ^^^^... They are impressive pieces of art. I wish I had the dough to drop on one....
so what do you find fake about it?i have looked at the pics and think it looks fantastic.

Don't get me wrong. The pose of the creature is spot-on, the jungle base is much better than the Sideshow version and this will only increase in value through the years.
However, as with all of high-end collectables, they are expensive and as a collector I just feel that for the kind of price a Cinemaquette demands, it should be film-accurate which the Sideshow version seems to have acheived.
The fakeness with the piece for me is petty- the overall flesh tone looks plastic and too clean. The veins in the mouth area look too prominant. The eyes just don't look right... as I said, petty.
Any fan of the Predator franchise will adore this piece, especially if they missed out on the Sideshow Maquette.
I guess all collectors have different views and that's what makes reading these forums interesting.
I would like one to, but way too expensive. Overpriced in my opinion...then again people are paying it!