Predators - 1/6th scale Classic Predator Collectible Figure

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respect the proto seems the economic version ....
the problem is that it costs the same

several years ago there was this difference between the proto and model marketed?
or is it just that Hot Toys pump the preorder then point to savings in production?

Hot Toys must return to quality products or lower the price
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First of all ,the god dam bio mask looks like the same one we all have and hate from the original. They totally scraped the proto bio mask and graves us that old inaccurate crap we got stuck with in the first place . These pictures have to be some kind of scam or something . Would hot toys totally go backward on quality with this ? Do they think where idiots?
Eh, yeah..could just be the pics I suppose, does look rather disappointing though.

It is indeed, the proto showed the paint on the head blending downward, where as this figure the paint seems to go down and stop and then the rest is a whitish plain colour with no blending between them.

I'm sure if its hits in January it'll be better.
and the god plasma cannon looks like the original too. To big and not the right scale. You can't even remove it!!! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr I am really up set with hot toys if they screw this up!!!
"toyish" is exactly the word I think of when I see this figure. They dropped the ball bad with this one. collectors can say what they want about all the other HT preds, but I never thought any of them looked like toys. I really want to like this figure, but so far I'm not feeling it.
First of all ,the god dam bio mask looks like the same one we all have and hate from the original. They totally scraped the proto bio mask and graves us that old inaccurate crap we got stuck with in the first place .
Anything looks better than the HT P1 Bio, but I agree..I did notice that in the last pics, it resembles it quite a lot..
This is definitely somebody _____*ing with us . The pro type picture that is shown on the inside sleeve of the box is completely different then what's in the box. Nobody would by faulty advertising .
Anything looks better than the HT P1 Bio, but I agree..I did notice that in the last pics, it resembles it quite a lot..

Its that damn mesh that does it for me.:gah:
Why, HTs. WHY???:monkey2
Theres no need to drop the accuracy of the proto. Hopefully the final figure will be like the proto.
I thought the pictures chosen were boring , is part of the problem here.I think the figure we are seeing would look sweet next to the clan.
I thought the pictures chosen were boring , is part of the problem here.I think the figure we are seeing would look sweet next to the clan.

I havent got any other Preds to pose him with and dont want no others either! :lol

I think the pictures are perfectly fine. Its the figure thats the problem - head sculpt, paint apps on head, mandible lines and bio mesh.
Pictures wont change any of those.
Compare the bio and plasma cannon to this

I havent got any other Preds to pose him with and dont want no others either! :lol

I think the pictures are perfectly fine. Its the figure thats the problem - head sculpt, paint apps on head, mandible lines and bio mesh.
Pictures wont change any of those.

Agreed that a picture is a picture and thats that, but i think the classic will be amazing in hand and in a good background would come to life.
I still think those pictures are very boring
Agreed that a picture is a picture and thats that, but i think the classic will be amazing in hand and in a good background would come to life.
I still think those pictures are very boring

Despite the problems I mentioned, I still think the figure looks amazing overall...just not as good as it could be, thats all.
It could be just like the proto but for some reason, it isnt, which is a shame.
I will still love this guy when I get it though.
Figures judt aren't looking as good as the preview pics anymore, HT needs to stop using photoshop so much, look at the confusion over whether Lukes Lightsaber lights up or not, cos it shows ir in the pic, but with a small disclaimer saying, tuis isn't what your getting
Despite the problems I mentioned, I still think the figure looks amazing overall...just not as good as it could be, thats all.
It could be just like the proto but for some reason, it isnt, which is a shame.
I will still love this guy when I get it though.

Accuracy has always been a problem with the predators even in the helmet with a 1/4 NECA.And 1/4 doesn't get easier of a scale to work on.Funny enough you could probably relate with your desk you have been working on, i say this with all funny behind the writing not with criticism at all.
They even kit bashed the heads on this and the shadow, which is my only disappointment as of late.Each head should be different per predator at least.And the shadow predator's mouth opens freaking huge and make the others look out of place alittle now.

Why does it look like they stopped painting the head half-way down?

I know which look I won't be displaying. The seams of the mandibles are absurdly noticeable but maybe whoever took this pic, as usual, just wanted to be the first one to post pics of the figure and did a rushjob - ___king flash*, always a bad idea - it boggles my mind that people insist on using it - and no effort to futz and show the figure at its best.

*mind you I'm not totally sure this is a flash photo, could just be full frontal lighting, but still try to get some shadow in there FFS.

too many removable pieces of jaw
eventually becomes a bad puzzle

If hot Toys will not change policy on final quality .... the berserker will be my only Predator Hot Toys
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