What's everyone _____ing about?
We all know that as awesome as Hot Toys' paint apps are, they're not quite the same on the final product -- but they're still awesome.
I'd like to draw the attention of the haters to this simple fact:
Remember when in-hand pictures of Falconer showed up and the community was convinced that he was too green? I was okay with the bright, saturated color those images implied,
but that's not even what I ended up getting. The final color was more of an olive shade.
When it comes to color, pictures are terrible things on which to base an argument or cancellation. I honestly feel sorry for those of you who haven't figured this out by now and made the rash decision to drop your orders.
As for those complaining about the headsculpt being the same as Shadow's, what were you expecting? I thought we'd established that ever since the prototype pictures first went up. I'd worry less about sculpt consistencies and more about possible cases of memory loss.
Lastly, the mandible seams appeared noticeable on Shadow's prototype pictures as well, yet the end result wasn't nearly as bad as we'd thought.
Why not wait to see more pictures (especially from the great OMG) or better yet, wait to have the thing in-hand? If you're displeased with it, the good news is it's a Hot Toys figure and there will undoubtedly be someone willing to buy it off you so you'll get all of the money back.
The haters ask whether or not Hot Toys has learned anything, but I'm more inclined to wonder whether or not the haters have learned anything. This is nothing new and most of their argumentative points were shot before this thing was even