Prometheus Sequel (ALIEN: Covenant)

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I think they even out, Prometheus has more interesting concepts but worse script, Covenant is better written but is a safer concept (slasher/haunted house).

I still haven't settled on the visuals, I'd have to watch both again, and my screening with some friends was rescheduled for next week but it'll be chicken wings and beer instead, so it's a better deal if you ask me :lol

So I'd rather wait for the BR to watch both back to back.

No contest Pro had better visuals.

AC was bland.
It's funny I walked out feeling like it was an ok movie, slightly better than TFA.

Like I don't hate it, it's competently made, it's alright... Right? But as time passes I'm thinking it's just another TFA.

I still think it's alright, it's not the absolute worst like we often hyperbolize about everything, but, alright is not what I expect for Alien, and it's not like it's out of the norm, after Aliens everything is from bad to mediocre to alright. Same with Predator.

Oh well, at least it gives us interesting topics to think about, I appreciate that.
like we have SW prequel deniers, I think we're gonna have factions of fans who deny/disregard these two (and any subsequent film). I myself am finding them more of a spinoff type enjoyment than canon, to me so I would more than likely be one of those deniers.
I agree and even rated it an 8.5 out of 10 as a standalone movie.
I just doesn't fit neatly into the Alien saga for me. If it was simply a random Sci-fi movie, I think l would have liked it a lot more.

I think I'm tired of all there prequals, remakes and sequels that are cash grabs. Or at least have the series fit together like LOTR, POTA, or TDK.
Reboot a franchise if one must, but in an alternate timeline so that it doesn't detract from the originals. (See latest Robocop for example)
Let's not kid ourselves, it's not like the original Alien ("Big Chap"), was actually some kind of sophisticated, highly intelligent, creature. It didn't go around the ship having eloquent conversations about the philosophies of life with the Nostromo crew. No, it ****ing raped and killed them. It was an animal that scurried around from vent to vent. It came from a colony of eggs, it was animal, not unlike a bug.

The only difference between it and the ones in Aliens is that, instead of following several Aliens that formed from several hosts, we only got to follow one. That first one will always have an element of mystique to it due to it's presentation and screentime alone. But what if multiple Nostromo crew members were impregnated? Then you'd have something similar to what we see in Aliens. It's as simple as that.
like we have SW prequel deniers, I think we're gonna have factions of fans who deny/disregard these two (and any subsequent film). I myself am finding them more of a spinoff type enjoyment than canon, to me so I would more than likely be one of those deniers.
I already do, most modern """official""" canons can kiss my ass, I only like Alien and reluctantly accept Aliens (I recognize it as a great movie but I think it missed some points of Alien), and I only like Predator 1 and 2, and Terminator 1 and 2.

Everything else doesn't exist...

Well, I do like Alien 3, I think it's too severely punished by the Aliens crowd for killing Hicks and Newt, its only real flaw is coming off of the egg plot hole, that and the obsolete VFX are the only objective criticisms you can give it, everything else, including killing Hicks and Newt off screen is arguably more Alien-ish than Aliens. :chase in any case, it was a good way to wrap up the Alien and Ripley's story.

I don't deny the prequels, I think they stand on the same boat as Prometheus, interesting ideas that contribute to the lore, with execution being less than ideal by a big idea guy past his prime.

I'll quicker deny Disney Wars, that is the same as AVP, AVP3, Predators etc etc.

I think I'm tired of all there prequals, remakes and sequels that are cash grabs. Or at least have the series fit together like LOTR, POTA, or TDK.)
You're preaching to the choir brah, only people who don't mind are the "turn your brain off bro, who cares it's just movies" Pollyannas.
I just saw it. The beginning was slow, but improved in the middle. Once there I predicted the entire thing to my gf and it came to be exactly how I thought it would end. All in all, not a bad movie, but not great either. Prometheus > Covenant
I think the biggest problem and slap in the face, was that this movie tried to rope in Alien fans and not Prometheus fans simply to boost or hopefully boost sales and critical reception. That combined with the film ending on a cliffhanger after we waited 5 yrs for this movie.... Slap in the face.

On a side note, I will do the fingering is hands down the funniest line in recent memory and it wasn't meant to be.
At this point, are PROMETHEUS and COVENANT still officially prequels? This one might as well have been a reboot, especially with the ending. I'm fine with that since it gives Ridley the freedom to do whatever he wants.

Since David created the xeno, how did the eggs get on the ancient, fossilized LV-426 ship? Does the Alien Queen not exist anymore, or will David engineer her in the next one?

If COVENANT is indeed a prequel, will they explain how the computers and space suits get clunkier? How do you go from Fassbots to Ian Holm? That's another downgrade in technology!
Where to begin indeed.
Let me see:

Where to begin?

Straying off an assigned path to go to an uncharted planet while being responsable for 2000 colonist.
Not really a plot hole, just bad writing if you want to see it that way. But... Oram is actually quite eloquent and logical about why they should deviate from their course and check it out. After all, the planet seems perfectly inhabitable and poses no major deviation within the 7 year time span in hypersleep
Tech more advanced than prequels.
So it was in Prometheus... And they actually did a decent job of mixing high tech with some older looking stuff. As high tech as the Covenent is, it's no where near as top of the line as the Prometheus
Not sending probes before landing.
Neither did the Nostromo, the Sulaco or the Prometheus. All these ships and crews seem to rely on the ship's advanced sensors
No environmental suites on an unknown planet.
Yeah, maybe they should have worn environmental suits... :lol But seriously, the ship's sensors had already mapped out the entire atmosphere, they even mention it in the movie. They wore environmental suits in Alien and Prometheus because the atmosphere was toxic
Containment protocol not followed at all.
I'm kinda lost here... when? Faris quarantined both Ledward and Karine, and later when Tennessee brings them all back into the Covenant, there's no reason to believe they're infected, as infection affects the host almost immediately, and none show any symptoms
Scientists not caring about the 1st encounter with a civilized alien race city.
They just had disastrous and traumatic losses, were clearly in danger and needed to be evacuated as quickly as possible. Were they really supposed to care about a dead alien city in that moment? Stop and look in wonder? Take notes? :cuckoo:
Only 1 city on the entire planet.
Do we know that? And if there were only one, why should there be more? Because we humans cover our planet in them? Aren't these guys supposed to be more advanced? Seems you're being very homocentric about the whole deal... if humans do it, then every other intelligent race has to do the same...
Even on earth, aircraft without permission are shot down and yet David was able to bomb a more advanced race with their own tech.
Again, you're judging the engineers as if they should act like humans. Besides, the craft that arrived was one of theirs. How are we to know what their entry protocols are?
How did David have any test subjects to be able to perfect his creation. Everything was dead.
No. The black goo only acted upon human and human-like DNA as far as we know(like that of the engineers). And even if the black goo had an effect on every living creature, still David could keep experimenting with the black goo on different species until he perfected the "extremely violent" creature whose sole purpose was to destroy all biological life
Who layed the eggs? It seemed like David lived in a cave.
One of David's experiments with different species he mutated with the black goo. Or maybe he morphed subjects into them. At any rate, it's quite clear the eggs (and the resulting facehuggers and xenomorphs) are David's crowning achievement up to that point
Why would the xeno attach a machine/ crane when there was living pray right in front of it.
I thought it was defending itself and then trying to get back into to ship
Acid splatter misses everyone.
Well, bullets also miss a lot of people... didn't bother me really. Seems to me it's just one of those things people like to complain when they want to find fault
Facehugger acid melted through layers of the ship in alien, but barely injured someone in Covenant.
It also took a hell of a lot of time to melt through Hicks' face and armor, didn't it? But, again, this is a first iteration of these things, they are not the facehuggers and xenomorphs from Alien
Facehugger can now implant an embryo in 10 seconds.
See above
Walter could self heal but Ash, Bishop, Call, nor David could.
They were all different models. Must be pretty expensive tech, the one used in David. Walter even mentions that he is a more evolved model. Also, Walter did not suffer such catastrophic damage as say, Bishop or Ash. Also, remember that even Walter could not grow his hand back. So the self-healing is only for smaller wounds

Really, I think you're just looking for things to fault, when they're all perfectly easy to explain within the movie and with some (small, not outrageous) suspension of disbelief.
Oh Abake, my boy, that's why I stopped trying to explain "plotholes", most times it's just stuff that people missed, and you would end up spoon feeding walls of text because people couldn't be bothered to give it a thought themselves, all for it to be TLDR and for someone else to come asking the same questions later on. :lol

Now I just occasionally go: "not a plothole" or "you didn't get it" and if they bother to figure it out themselves then good for them :lol
I would tend to agree with you (us alien fans should stick together), but these are open to too much speculation.
Believe me, I really want to love this movie... but not because something exists (even if it's flawed) means that it is to be accepted as is.

Your explanations are valid, but it is up to the movie to "show me/us" or at least say it. Because I can just as well make up anything to contradict your arguments and there would be no right answer.

Either way, I hope this is a complete reboot at this point. It's the only thing that makes it easier to swallow (pun intended).

Btw, I found this online:
Other than it being cool, states that Queens are needed for eggs to exist.

Just take it as fan fiction, nothing outside the original creators has any more validity than whatever you and I can make up for any given franchise, sometimes even the creators themselves go full retard.

Gotta take the art works, even pop-culture art works as a separate entity, the words of God, the overmind, or the universe or whatever you want to call it, translated through the vessel that is the artist in a moment of inspiration.

Either that or it's just good ol' social engineering by ((( them ))) :lol

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