ahh I see.
I still don't really agree though.
A console is purely for gaming where as a PC is an all round great package for a more serious gamer (as far as tinkering goes) or someone who likes to do more. It's not really the same thing. A console is compact, built for games, built for lazy idiots like me really.
I come home from work, open a beer, sit on the sofa with a mate and play some games. I don't really fit the PC mold. None of my friends own PC's, none of their friends own PC's and no one at my work place as far as I know owns a PC for gaming purposes. That's not to say it's not popular, just not with the common man.
It's a much more dedicated system that requires updates, awkward looking giant boxes and a school desk
I can go out after a hang over , buy a PS4, hook it up with a mate and play jaw dropping games within half an hour for $399 then switch it off.
Could I do the same with a $399 PC?
Also it's the XBOX VS PS thread, I didn't really bring up the PC debate because I don't own one. I simply stated my reasons why I don't own one.