It will not effect the majority of XBL customers. If it does they have another option. MS have obviously crunched the numbers. I can't get access to Amazon/Streaming Radio, all the fancy jazz Americans get. I don't complain - because I can't get it - simple.
They are not screwing over anyone. They are offering a product that has certain limitations that most of the world can get past. Much like how an Iphone only works with a phone siginal. I'm still not sure what's hard to understand about that. Should we always try to make technology accessible to 6 billion? Or should we advance the technology further so we can get to that state someday?
If Piracy get's cut = better cheaper games for everyone, not just the pirates.
Of course not but PS and a lot of fans have piggy backed on a lot of false and unconfirmed details. As far as I can see the 24 hour check in is the one major fail but going around the internet you would think they made the XB1 out of chip wood. Having read a few "Engineer" articles it seems they fully understand the potential of the DRM and XB1.
No they won't. By all accounts the PS4 will work for them. XB are breaking off. Competition is good, it means we get a better product.
Again, you're not reading my posts. My initial jump into this thread was to discuss the fact that on paper - not from fanboys mouths - both consoles seem to be very capable of great things but right now the PS4 holds the edge with potentially the XB1 being the better long term investment
IF they can clear up some of the details.
I may have to put this in my signature.