Its the PS4 for me. I have had many consoles in the past.
I never bothered getting a ps2 as all of my mates owned one, so i just used to go over and play theirs all day! I must say I do love my xbox360 - its exclusive titles, all the apps, the easy to use dash(adverts arent that annoying really) the online party chats and quick download speeds all form to make it a great experience.
I couldnt give a shiny ****e about Kinect. V1 or V2 i really dont care. I dont want to be waving my arms about like a mug trying to pinch and pull at air to select basic functions that can be pressed with a button. It hasnt revolutionized gaming so far for me, apart from teaching me the moves to gangnam style (that was pretty f'n cool)
And have you guys read about the dynamic advertising MS plan to incorporate using Kinect Cameras? If the camera picks up multiple heads in the room, it will throw adverts at you aimed at big groups. Likewise, if you like to play games in just your underpants, the xbox one will be no doubt be sending me adverts for Super vanish tablets , encouraging me to was h out those stubborn skiddos!
I'm not sold on the xbox one, and already have a V+ box for my tele(which i can switch between by pressing two buttons, bmax) I like my console for gaming and playing music, which the PS4 seems to have covered