Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek TOS Kirk and Spock

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Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

So the reluctance to criticize you speak of may just be that most people think the chosen color is acceptable. The fabric choice/weave bothers me infinitely more than the colors and it's still in my range of acceptable compromise.


Don't like the results, don't buy it.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

My friends why the price is different from Toyark announcement ($159) in BBTS pre-order site ($179)? Maybe it's a full version? Are there two versions?

There still is not a solid price yet, in theory it is just guessing.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

There still is not a solid price yet, in theory it is just guessing.

Are you assuming that every retailer/distributor gets the same price and/or that they're informed about pricing at the same time?
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

I can guarantee you is not indicative of what the scene looked like in person on that day - it should be obvious to anyone that it doesn't represent any kind of reality.

And I fully agree. Star Trek was not a stage production for a live audience, however. Designs are intended as a means to an end on film/screen and require a similar artistic judgement to reproduce a representative colour that looks correct in a consumer home environment.

Blue is generally the hardest colour to match in my experience. No amount of lighting is going to transform the QMx blue into the blue chosen by Anovos, Mezco, etc.

Besides, by the reasoning of prop-accuracy advocates, many figures nowadays should be just a computer file.

So the reluctance to criticize you speak of may just be that most people think the chosen color is acceptable.

Faint praise. "Acceptable" is Sideshow thinking. ThreeZero's "acceptable" Jon Snow had almost a hundred people here rush to replace the head at $90 a pop. I'm also bothered by the plastic rank braid. Spenser, right hereon the boards, managed to reproduce a real embroidered rank braid for his customs.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

Spenser, right hereon the boards, managed to reproduce a real embroidered rank braid for his customs.

I don't think that kind of effort would scale well. Hand-made customs and production products are a world apart and will forever be.

Recall the part of Nanjin's post where he mentioned having surveyed people for their thoughts on the color. If Hot Toys has taught us anything, knowing your market is more important than accuracy.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

Are you assuming that every retailer/distributor gets the same price and/or that they're informed about pricing at the same time?

No, I am not assuming.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

No, I am not assuming.

Well, unless you work for BBTS, you don't really know what information they've received from QMx, regardless of what information QMx has personally given to you. Just saying.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

Thank you very much! For now I'll go with Aaron's advice and wait for the EU retailers, but it's good to know as a back-up plan or for the future.

If you purchase an item that is in stock, and it is in your 'pile of loot' or before it ships, you have a timeframe (forgot how many days) to cancel the purchase online and it converts to store credit. I think you can then contact BBTS to request a cash refund instead. I did that once and went with store credit. So you can change your mind even after you are charged for an item.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

Well, unless you work for BBTS, you don't really know what information they've received from QMx, regardless of what information QMx has personally given to you. Just saying.

No one has a SOLID SRP yet as one does not exist, QMx do not know themselves and are still ironing out a few kinks.

Darklord Dave stated earlier today also that they do not have a price yet as they don't. Within 24 hours of them going up they have already changed it.

I was just answering someones question for them, if you have information that may help them better than mine then feel free to let them know.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

No I don't have any info, and if I did I wouldn't be posting it anyway, because it would most definitely be confidential. I just don't think it's right for one retailer to comment on the business of another is all. And I also don't think that Dave should be commenting on BBTS in this situation either, owing that this site is heavily sponsored by Sideshow (I know there are also some BBTS ads here). If someone from BBTS comes along and wants to comment or if someone from QMx wants to talk about their pricing publicly that would be great, but it's starting to look a little negative having others do it - it can come off as you guys throwing them under the bus. Keeping things professional and above-board is pretty important to me.
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Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

No I don't have any info, and if I did I wouldn't be posting it anyway, because it would most definitely be confidential. I just don't think it's right for one retailer to comment on the business of another is all. And I also don't think that Dave should be commenting on BBTS in this situation either, owing that this site is heavily sponsored by Sideshow (I know there are also some BBTS ads here). If someone from BBTS comes along and wants to comment or if someone from QMx wants to talk about their pricing publicly that would be great, but it's starting to look a little negative having others do it - it can come off as you guys throwing them under the bus. Keeping things professional and above-board is pretty important to me.

That's fair enough. If I came across as being negative towards them I apologize to them and you if it annoyed you. It was not intended. I thought I was just answering someones question for them. Sorry.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

No problem, I figured you weren't trying to be negative about anyone, but you never know how that can come off to some people - and the conversation could also prevent some people from making a purchase, so that's potentially not very nice either. I have no horse in this race either, I'm just a satisfied customer of BBTS, past and present, but I also shop with many other establishments and manufacturers directly when the opportunity exists and makes sense.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

I don't know how you guys feel about the outfit colors, but for me, I prefer that the colors represent what I saw on tv. This is the same thing that was discussed many times over about the '66 Batman outfit. Was it a silver, grey, a bluish tint, purplish tint, etc. The poncho Eastwood/Blondie wore in The Good Bad Ugly. It started out as green, but the outside became brown due to the dirt and having not been washed. Which color should be used for that figure, the original green or what it looked like when seen on film?
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

I watched all early Star Trek in black and white. Now what? :)
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

Recall the part of Nanjin's post where he mentioned having surveyed people for their thoughts on the color. If Hot Toys has taught us anything, knowing your market is more important than accuracy.

So Anovos, dedicated to producing exact replicas of the original outfits, which have sold out quickly in virtually every style, doesn't "know the market?"

I just see launching 1:6 Star Trek figures with a colour scheme that other, already successful marketers of Star trek products have consistent rejected for decades, is a poor decision regardless of the claimed research. Mezco is clearly banking on the long-established pale blue and gold colour scheme seen on everything from the old Playmates figures to the TOS Blu-Ray hardcases.

I just don't see his survey as particularly valid. First of all overwhelming people with 35 choices on the floor of a Star Trek convention is hardly the way to narrow it down between a few legitimate contenders. I'd say three choices would be smart survey approach under those conditions.

His conclusion is contradictory. He states "out of these 35 choices more than half chose Season 3 Blue", but what is "Season 3 Blue" when nanjin claims that the shirt faded after 3 episodes, so for 21 of the 24 episodes it was a different colour.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

So Anovos, dedicated to producing exact replicas of the original outfits, which have sold out quickly in virtually every style, doesn't "know the market?".

They know as much about the 1/6 market as a monkey in a penguin suit.

I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish here. I expect the color of the figures' clothing isn't going to change, so what's the resolution going to be? Does someone simply have to admit they're wrong and that you're right? I just don't see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel on this one.

FWIW, I don't think the color of any of the images posted (of any figure or prop replica) is correct and a match for what was seen on screen or the color of the actual prop. And I don't care. :)
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Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

I just come here for updates on figures I am very excited to see released. :dunno
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

Oh my god! Are we still going on about the color? Based on what? Photos taken of a fifty year old faded screen prop? HD images assembled by people long after Roddenberry's death? Everyone sees color differently. Everyone's monitor and TV is set differently. Let it go. If you don't like the colors, and it bothers you that much, don't buy the damn thing.
Re: Quantum Mechanix 1/6 Star Trek The Original Series Kirk and Spock

I watched all early Star Trek in black and white. Now what? :)

Me too! Growing up watching b/w tv helped me to have a great visual imagination. I wish I could remember what color I thought the shirts were when watching. I do know that once I started watching in color, the muted blue for Spock and mustard yellow/gold for Kirk is what I remember most.

Regardless of the color, these are a must have. I can appreciate these as art and look forward to having them front and center in the collection.