Super Freak
Yeah dows ef'n robots shood have brokened my brain bye nowz.
Oh you know I was kidding. It could have been much worse, it could have come from someone from Calgary.
Yeah dows ef'n robots shood have brokened my brain bye nowz.
Oh you know I was kidding. It could have been much worse, it could have come from someone from Calgary.![]()
So? You feeling better now?
Don't laugh. You only make it easier for him to post more... fellow Gwen fan... you hurt me.
What was i thinking.
Here's a Gwen pic for you!
Good god I need to get back to that guy! So we can get our busts made!
P.S. That's hot!
Don't laugh. You only make it easier for him to post more...
btw mr. thriftty... it depends if they shave or not I guess. *shudders*
Okay, I grossed myself out now. Damn! See what this thread has done! IT'S EEEEEEEVIL! E-E-E-E-E-E-E.. EVIL!
A little bit. Just as long as there are no more ABC scenarios. I am back to sanity!![]()
sooo.."A" would be up for experimenting with "B" as long as "B" was shaved in the right spots? "B" might just be right for "A" if "A" would let "B" be with "A" for a day.
We all heard you Eli...you can stop saying it now...
A has given up fun past. B and A can go together soon, but once A goes to LA for 4 months, again, A and B cannot go together. B is not restricting A from going out and having fun, etc. Just asking, as a favor to B because it actually upsets B, and hurts B...to not go to clubs till A and B can be together again. B doesn't mind if A goes with friends, has a drink, etc. Clubs are a different story. At least they are to B. They may not be to some of you freaks, but to the B freak, it's a big deal. The question isn't really about 'clubs' it's about...should, if it wont hurt the other half, should that one agree to not do something, within reason for the other so that they don't hurt, or aren't upset? I think so. Because if you're in love, there is nothing you wont do for your better half
Wow that part was confusing at the end.
What I mean is...if it isn't hurting A to give it up, shouldn't A if it's good for the relationship, and for B when B is most important to A?
Hey now... you read every page of this thread and tell me if your sanity is still in place. I dare you Darth Snoopy. I double Snoopy dog dare yeah!
I can only give you my opinions based on my observations and experiences, nothing more or less. No offense intended obviously.
1) If two people have differing value structures, then, for the most part, the relationship, if the desire is a long term commitment, will rarely work out and anything done until then is to delay the inevitable. Values include views on marriage, views on having kids, views on religion, views on how to raise children, views on sex, views on fidelity and especially views on finances. Too much deviation between two people's views on those and it's often a recipe for failure.
2) Sort of ignoring your A & B hypothetical, no offense, I generally feel that if the two people are both under the age of 25, there is no almost no point in getting into a long term relationship. There would also be no point in getting into a long distance relationship. The person you are with at 22, odds are, it's probably close to 100 percent chance you will not be with them by age 32.
3) As for the raw concepts of "trust" and "insecurity" as factors in situations like this, often I would chalk that up ( and this just me ) as pure shaming language. If you pick someone of good character, the rest takes care of itself. People show you their character over time. Do they do the right thing when no one is looking? Do they do the wrong thing then find a way to justify it? Do they always or never take accountability for their own behavior and choices? Do they make a choice, that is what you consider a moral choice, even if it's to their detriment?
Too often people justify their behavior and the behavior of those around them and suddenly feel like the person has changed one day. No, they didn't change. People just stopped justifying their crappy behavior. There is zero point in being in a relationship of any kind, romantic or friendship or friendly acquaintance, with someone of poor character. If you are a person of poor character ( I am not saying you are or are not) then you will probably draw in other people of poor character around you. And every relationship you have will be doomed from the start to fail. You won't be able to trust them and, no offense, they will have no reason to trust you. If you are a person of good character ( I am not saying you are or are not) then you will probably draw in other people of good character around you. Then every relationship you get into has a fighting chance. It's always easy to see what you are by looking at your life. Do you surround yourself with good character people? Or do you surround yourself with people of questionable character? We are judged by the company we keep for a reason.
If there's one thing I've learned about women over time, it's that they rarely come at something directly. Mostly I find it's because most women fear social shame or judgment or just want to hear what they want to hear. So I have no idea if whatever you asked in this thread is even the real issue or relevant to your real issue, no offense. All I can say is if you are under the age of 25, odds are, IMHO, your best bet is to break up, stay single, figure out who you are, a career you like, hobbies you enjoy, get your education in order if that applies and travel the world a little and garner some life experience. Every minute you spend in relationships where you aren't in a good place emotionally ( not saying you are or are not) is a minute wasted where you could be getting right with yourself for you. Every minute you spend in relationships where there is no future to them and you are past college age ( probably 22 or 23) is a minute wasted in your prime years to attract the best long term mate possible ( if that is your goal)
The issues of going to a club or not don't tell anyone here much to be honest, well in my eyes. It does however potentially say something about your ability to choose well in relationships. It's a lot easier to point out someone with a differing value structure as flawed than it is to accept that you/we chose them in the first place and that choosing them says something about us and our characters.
So I won't say it's about "trust issues", I would say odds are, you and this person choose poorly ( if it's any consolation, most people do. I know I have. I would take a guess most people here have as well) and folks with differing values ( and I'm not assigning bad or good to those values) that are hard to live with probably shouldn't be together romantically.
In the end, you are probably going to do what you want to do anyway.
Good luck to you, whatever your choice may be, but odds are you've already made your decision before you even posted this thread,
We both outgrew the club scene while we were still single. The national divorce rate is 50% and we don't plan to be a statistic. No "meat market" settings if we aren't together. Period.
Both of us hate going to clubs so we are fine.
I can only give you my opinions based on my observations and experiences, nothing more or less. No offense intended obviously.
1) If two people have differing value structures, then, for the most part, the relationship, if the desire is a long term commitment, will rarely work out and anything done until then is to delay the inevitable. Values include views on marriage, views on having kids, views on religion, views on how to raise children, views on sex, views on fidelity and especially views on finances. Too much deviation between two people's views on those and it's often a recipe for failure.
2) Sort of ignoring your A & B hypothetical, no offense, I generally feel that if the two people are both under the age of 25, there is no almost no point in getting into a long term relationship. There would also be no point in getting into a long distance relationship. The person you are with at 22, odds are, it's probably close to 100 percent chance you will not be with them by age 32.
3) As for the raw concepts of "trust" and "insecurity" as factors in situations like this, often I would chalk that up ( and this just me ) as pure shaming language. If you pick someone of good character, the rest takes care of itself. People show you their character over time. Do they do the right thing when no one is looking? Do they do the wrong thing then find a way to justify it? Do they always or never take accountability for their own behavior and choices? Do they make a choice, that is what you consider a moral choice, even if it's to their detriment?
Too often people justify their behavior and the behavior of those around them and suddenly feel like the person has changed one day. No, they didn't change. People just stopped justifying their crappy behavior. There is zero point in being in a relationship of any kind, romantic or friendship or friendly acquaintance, with someone of poor character. If you are a person of poor character ( I am not saying you are or are not) then you will probably draw in other people of poor character around you. And every relationship you have will be doomed from the start to fail. You won't be able to trust them and, no offense, they will have no reason to trust you. If you are a person of good character ( I am not saying you are or are not) then you will probably draw in other people of good character around you. Then every relationship you get into has a fighting chance. It's always easy to see what you are by looking at your life. Do you surround yourself with good character people? Or do you surround yourself with people of questionable character? We are judged by the company we keep for a reason.
If there's one thing I've learned about women over time, it's that they rarely come at something directly. Mostly I find it's because most women fear social shame or judgment or just want to hear what they want to hear. So I have no idea if whatever you asked in this thread is even the real issue or relevant to your real issue, no offense. All I can say is if you are under the age of 25, odds are, IMHO, your best bet is to break up, stay single, figure out who you are, a career you like, hobbies you enjoy, get your education in order if that applies and travel the world a little and garner some life experience. Every minute you spend in relationships where you aren't in a good place emotionally ( not saying you are or are not) is a minute wasted where you could be getting right with yourself for you. Every minute you spend in relationships where there is no future to them and you are past college age ( probably 22 or 23) is a minute wasted in your prime years to attract the best long term mate possible ( if that is your goal)
The issues of going to a club or not don't tell anyone here much to be honest, well in my eyes. It does however potentially say something about your ability to choose well in relationships. It's a lot easier to point out someone with a differing value structure as flawed than it is to accept that you/we chose them in the first place and that choosing them says something about us and our characters.
So I won't say it's about "trust issues", I would say odds are, you and this person choose poorly ( if it's any consolation, most people do. I know I have. I would take a guess most people here have as well) and folks with differing values ( and I'm not assigning bad or good to those values) that are hard to live with probably shouldn't be together romantically.
In the end, you are probably going to do what you want to do anyway.
Good luck to you, whatever your choice may be, but odds are you've already made your decision before you even posted this thread,