Super Freak
to the rm community,
a note on respectable criticism. its all fine and dandy. until it becomes to the point where its relentless, you can say you buy his releases, love his work, and say you have the upmost respect for him. but if you think he not showing the tweaks and commenting about jules is because he is busy with private commissions your nuts! to me its clear he is pi$$ed off big time. and who can blame him, the amount of "respectful criticism" is nausiating. i know he is an artist and should be able to take it blah blah blah, let me see anybody be o.k with what went on with the vincent and jules. more way more jules. another thing, sometimes "'sorry" is too late. this isnt directed at anybody in particular. its for the whole rm crowd. this man has bent over backwards at times to please the "minority" i think. most are very happy with what he puts out. there is no way the majority is unhappy all the time. so when he tweaks and re-works its for the lesser percent. to be honest sending him a private pm or email at this time is worthless,. the man is upset and thats that. if any think i am wrong go and re-read this whole thread. you cant help but feel bad for the guy. he has been chased away and its best for all of us to shut our trap's and lay low for awhile. and not 2 days, until he breaks the silence and comes back on. he gets it, just stop commenting and leave this alone. but, now with this private commission thing, the flames are just going to get bigger and bigger. the rm freaks relationship may have changed forever.
Lets not get carried away now

People's feelings get hurt, they carry on, and move out!
We'll all be sitting on the round table again. Say what you want to say, but hurt feelings is not going to keep someone from dropping a fan base of 35 people, or more, with 900 dollars ready to pay.

Enough people have apologized and we can all learn from mistakes. I know I've put my foot in my mouth more than a few times.
I'd still like to see what Rainman can do if he chose his own project and without any input from any of us