Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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I got a new suit today which I think has a style more close to RM's suit. The pack comes with shirt and black tie too for around 25 bucks. Really a bargain.
Looks decent!
Could you drop a link to e-bay (it's probably there somewhere)? I think it will be highly appreciated.
On the lookout for a painted rainman Vincent head if anyone in the uk is willing to sell :)
this is what I define a rude comment ;)

some collectors should have taken how example of study and for writing a library of hundred books for studying their brain's problems....
how is possible to pay $850 for a figure like this...
one head with a barely likeness to john stravolta, cheap black jacket and pants..ht hands..one pistol...and...uh i forgot the shoes..;)
the world is full of fool ready to venerate their fakes gods.....
btw is only my personal opinion...

good choice with the clothes dordor...the clothes are very nice..and a good purchase (than this) for sure..

You do realize what you are doing right now is considered as trolling right?

Infraction will be handed out if this continues :peace
You do realize what you are doing right now is considered as trolling right?

Infraction will be handed out if this continues :peace

Well it's about time:clap I don't comment much to people like Shadow, but wondered why mods have let this nonsense go on as long as it has:impatient:
I am sorry sorry for you and I am happy if you like it...
no I don't others RM products are expensive (for me ) but are very good pieces...
this piece is not worth the money asked..this one seems a joke...:dunno $850 ?
I thought shorts pants and t shirt wee included..but..

But how can you put a price on happiness?:peace
I thought we tried hard to make peace with him and gave him credit for all the "my cultural difference, my language barriers, my personal opinion excuses" already. Why is he suddenly back beating the dead horse and without provoking giving us what he knows is a rude comment? I'm confused if this is a joke I'm missing.

After many back and forth we ended with:

Originally Posted by vareika
Fair enough, personal opinions are acceptable...but just be mindful of how you say things because you wouldn't go around saying bad things everywhere to everyone regardless if you feel a certain way...that's just the normal thing to do, cultural differences aside.

Originally Posted by shadowfla: ok you have right ...and I am sorry...but not bad intention I swear...just sarchasm...
another my opinion you should have more opened minds and try to be less methodical/unyielding....


I don't get it? Thought that was it. I'm done lol.
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You do realize what you are doing right now is considered as trolling right?

Infraction will be handed out if this continues :peace

I think we are way ahead of that tbh just go ahead and do it lol

Please for the love of god end the nightmare :p
I have him on my ignore list since his trolling on other threads... the guy just does not let up. How is this guy not even banned already?
Although I bought it from local store, it is on ebay too. Here is one of the links:

Yeh, the ZY Toys is a very decent suit for the price. Oddly, the pics show a single button + press stud configuration, but mine is a double button. The buttons function too - a bit of a pain in the butt to get right, but the benefit is you can have the jacket open or closed and there are no unsightly studs. What's the deal with the discrepancy, I'm pretty sure I haven't got my suits mixed up.
Yeh, the ZY Toys is a very decent suit for the price. Oddly, the pics show a single button + press stud configuration, but mine is a double button. The buttons function too - a bit of a pain in the butt to get right, but the benefit is you can have the jacket open or closed and there are no unsightly studs. What's the deal with the discrepancy, I'm pretty sure I haven't got my suits mixed up.

They probably changed the design recently, my guess.
If they have then that'd suck. How many suits do you see that have just a single button?

In the shop where I bought this, all the ZY Toys suits in different plain colors have single button in front. I did not pay attention to other styles.
If anybody is interested I have a spare Vincent h&c set plus dork outfit
( not parting it )
Scored a fullset so no longer have use for this one

Pm's welcome

Cheers guys :)

This will be my Vicent & Jules...:)