Rainman Please Include Tshirt and Shorts with Full Set! PLEASE!

Rainman Please Include Tshirt and Shorts with Full Set! PLEASE!
Would joints not show with the T-Shirt and Shorts?
I just want The h & c set. In not vip. Can i get some pointers? I don't want to miss it
I still can't Hector. Could just be me though.
I personally really like the dance outfit. More then the "volley ball" set. I will be getting a couple of extra heads to mod and will most definitely have a dancing Vince. He isn't in his shoes for the dance anyway. So black socks and the twist for me. If no Mia then he will twist by himself. Travolta can pull off a solo by himself any day of the week.
I personally really like the dance outfit. More then the "volley ball" set. I will be getting a couple of extra heads to mod and will most definitely have a dancing Vince. He isn't in his shoes for the dance anyway. So black socks and the twist for me. If no Mia then he will twist by himself. Travolta can pull off a solo by himself any day of the week.
Rainman PLEASE include Tshirt and Shorts as full set Special item!
Rainman PLEASE include Tshirt and Shorts as full set Special item!
Rainman PLEASE include Tshirt and Shorts as full set Special item!
Rainman PLEASE include Tshirt and Shorts as full set Special item!
Let' bring on Mr Samuel Jackson!!!!!!