Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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Dunzoria! Full set you is mine

After including the dork clothes (although I'm still undecided how much I care about them) and the dance hands that sealed the deal for me. There was no way that I'm passing on that paint up

I'm still wondering why no trenchcoat or shoes with the dancing outfit. Also why no DX with both outfits and a ponytail sculpt? :dunno Seems like a natural opportunity to me.

Hang on to your seats gents. We don't know if the ponytail is 1000% out just yet
All i want is the sculpt. simple, lol.

If anything that's what I'll be doing also. I've seen plenty of 1/6 suits I'd be happy with and I'm not fussed on the guns.

As for what's going on with this release the last 20 pages or so are hilarious. :lol Rainman figure releases are hectic to say the least. :panic:
Dunzoria! Full set you is mine

After including the dork clothes (although I'm still undecided how much I care about them) and the dance hands that sealed the deal for me. There was no way that I'm passing on that paint up

Hang on to your seats gents. We don't know if the ponytail is 1000% out just yet

But the dance hand is meaningless without the dance outfit? :dunno

Or is your plan to buy that outfit also?
No offense, but this posting is plenty confusing itself. Sounds like the contents of this set are still in flux. Not a bad thing as it has happened of course with plenty of his past releases, stuff added or changed.

Dude, your complaining for stuff that's not even being offered? This is what we got. Trenchcoats, different shoes? Cmon man! His sales ad is already up and live. Only thing we can work with and move around is what's available.
Dude, your complaining for stuff that's not even being offered? This is what we got. Trenchcoats, different shoes? Cmon man! His sales ad is already up and live. Only thing we can work with and move around is what's available.

Didn't you just go for about 3 pages wanting the shirt and shorts with the full set? I mean that's a complaint too right? Although u won yours.....but i think others are entitled to complain about something if everyone else has done it....

Just saying
Didn't you just go for about 3 pages wanting the shirt and shorts with the full set? I mean that's a complaint too right? Although u won yours.....but i think others are entitled to complain about something if everyone else has done it....

Just saying

Odell do me a favor, go somewhere....Grown Folks are talking here.
Dude, your complaining for stuff that's not even being offered? This is what we got. Trenchcoats, different shoes? Cmon man! His sales ad is already up and live. Only thing we can work with and move around is what's available.

I'm not sure how long you've been following Rainman's stuff but I've been since the first one years ago and he has always been open to changing fabrics, altering sculpts and adding accessories even after putting stuff up for sale, so, no offense intended, but you don't know what you're talking about.

The trench looked hinted at in one of the preview pics (may have been a Doc trench placeholder or some such) and without it or shoes (or the correct black jeans) outfit2 seems incomplete. Also, forcing those who want both looks to purchase 2 tshirts and 2 shorts is frustrating and short sighted. I understand the desire to beef up the fullset accessories as the hand isn't that substantial but redundant clothing pieces seems lame, and perhaps even discouraging a fullset purchase for those interested in both costumes.

As I suggested, a simple fix is swap out the tshirt and shorts in outfit2 with a trench and shoes. Full costume, everyone's happy. well, maybe not everyone... :nana:
All I want is the shirt/shorts and a head sculpt. Everything looks really great though, guess we'll find out in 2 days.
Bullet Why are you fighting this! Im in for a fullset, if you want to savemoney on a h&c set then go that route. There are options here.

Yes it appears the trade off is a paintjob by Rainman and a body. That's more than fair in my opinion. If we keep complaining he might just tell us all to f()clk off. :dunno

Nothing is set in stone but what is confirmed is Tshirt and shorts are included in fullset.

I'm not fighting anything and I couldnt care less what your in for :). I am asking what the incentive to buy a FS is? The only thing you get extra is the hand (which is pointless without the dance cloths and even then a pretty poor FS item by Rainmans standards). I want to know why the FS plus clothing option 2 is 1070usd when both outfit sets are 630usd. The only difference for an extra 440 bucks between the 2 is a true type, rainmans paint and a hand! My argument is the fullset item is poor and completely useless unless your prepared to shell out another 250 bucks. Granted Rainmans paintwork is exceptional but 440 bucks for it and a true type come on. People can order whatever they want there call I just wanna know why the fullset item is so poor simples.
Which body are you guys thinking with regard to the t shirt look? Needs a fat suit too.
Hmmm, I'm not convinced the $380 gangster set comes with a painted sculpt...it doesn't feature a picture of the sculpt like all of the past releases, and the price seems to be more in line with the past clothing only sets. I hope I'm wrong though, and the "clothing only" set is even cheaper.
I'm not fighting anything and I couldnt care less what your in for :). I am asking what the incentive to buy a FS is? The only thing you get extra is the hand (which is pointless without the dance cloths and even then a pretty poor FS item by Rainmans standards). I want to know why the FS plus clothing option 2 is 1070usd when both outfit sets are 630usd. The only difference for an extra 440 bucks between the 2 is a true type, rainmans paint and a hand! My argument is the fullset item is poor and completely useless unless your prepared to shell out another 250 bucks. Granted Rainmans paintwork is exceptional but 440 bucks for it and a true type come on. People can order whatever they want there call I just wanna know why the fullset item is so poor simples.
But this is almost always the debate when getting the fullset. Folks pay nearly twice as much for a put together figure with a Rainman painted head and small, additional accessory.
I'm not sure how long you've been following Rainman's stuff but I've been since the first one years ago and he has always been open to changing fabrics, altering sculpts and adding accessories even after putting stuff up for sale, so, no offense intended, but you don't know what you're talking about.

The trench looked hinted at in one of the preview pics and without it or shoes (or the correct black jeans) outfit2 seems incomplete. Also, forcing those who want both looks to purchase 2 tshirts and 2 shorts is frustrating and short sighted. I understand the desire to beef up the fullset accessories as the hand isn't that substantial but a redundant clothing seems lame.

As I suggested, a simple fix is swap out the tshirt and shorts in outfit2 with a trench and shoes. Full costume, everyone's happy. well, maybe not everyone... :nana:

I mentioned that nothing is set in stone. I don't know if Rainman will decide to do a Trenchcoat and extra shoes? Is that what you wanted? We're concerned with what we
got now as extras for a fullset or lack off. If your *****in about what you didnt get that's your prerogative. I'm just trying to help out with what we got. Now your asking that he scrap the Tshirt and shoes in favor of a Trenchcoat and shoes?

Who cares how long you've been following Rainman? I could just as easily ask you how many pieces do you actually own! But that's irrelevant right?
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Hmmm, I'm not convinced the $380 gangster set comes with a painted sculpt...it doesn't feature a picture of the sculpt like all of the past releases, and the price seems to be more in line with the past clothing only sets. I hope I'm wrong though, and the "clothing only" set is even cheaper.
I think you're right Marf, and this is another mistake in the listing. Previous head/outfit sets are usually about $50 more than this, and have edition sizes of 20, not 10.
Some of you guys take this WAYYY too serious......