What would you have preferred? There's not a lot else Vincent used or would you rather have the sculpted keychain?
It's true that aside from JRS stuff Vince has few things that could be considered a logical accessory. I would've MUCH rather the brief case. It's the only thing that makes sense. One, it's a much more important prop in the movie and two, it's something that RM would sculpt.
That's probably why it didn't happen I'm assuming; he is obviously pressed for time and couldn't fit in another sculpted accessory that would have to be painted. I'm assuming that this will end up in the Jules set so I guess no biggy. A filter-less cigarette would've been very fitting for Vince too.
I guess it boils down to your personal display preference. I know some guys don’t mind accessories that you can display around the fig’s feet. Personally I like things that the figure could hold and/or something that can be used in poses. The way I see it I’m not going to pose Vince like this so the book isn’t as fitting as the brief case

I like that order. I hope I can get a FS Vincent tonight and then Jules in a month or so or whenever. Mia is a 50/50. And dancing Vince is probably only 25%.
So if I miss the full set will there be a painted head and clothing set offered as in the past? I see the clothing only and the unpainted head.
I'm 100% on Jules, 100% on JRS Vincent & 50/50 on Mia. She's gonna have to knock my socks off and be 90% perfect for me to commit.