Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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The problem is the full sets are difficult to get. I started too late to get in on Dude, Fight Club and Eagle Eye, and I could only get the H+C Huckleberry. I'm planning to pick up Vince H+C, t-shirt and an extra unpainted headsculpt. I don't put my chances high at getting Jules full set, but fingers are crossed since I now know my region. If I don't get a full it will be the same plan. I also plan to get Mia and maybe Dancing Vince.
I'll be screwed. :lol But I never buy something with the intent to sell, so that element is far removed from my collecting habits. It's all about aesthetics for me.

Yeah, having said that I'm sure your figures could raise bail money lol. Just your yoda alone. lol
The problem is the full sets are difficult to get.
For me, the problem has always been price :lol You could buy two head/outfit sets today for $80 more than a single full set. I get the argument for wanting a full Rainman piece. I have one myself for the character I care most about among all Rainman releases (the Dude), and could do it again if he does a Teen Wolf or something. But in general, if I can get something really great, and nearly as good as a full set release for $300-400 less? That's what I'm gonna do. Because it is the product on the shelf that I care about personally. And $400 saved is $400 to go towards the next Rainman release.
Actually Dane I really think that she got the eye color more accurate than he did! I mean pics play silly tricks sometimes but judging by these, I'd say hers are a deeper blue (more spot on) and his are lighter and more of a crystal blue.

I hope that he could do the eyes the same color as hers for the final!

Don't you dare Pop! Rainmans paint apps are significantly better compared to what we have seen of Aeon's so far! Rainmans nailed it no need for any adjustments period!

$400 difference I HOPE that Rainman's paint job is better. Otherwise thats one expensive truetype.

The way I look at it is its 820 for the FS which is 310 more than the H&C set (when considering it looks like the Dork clothes arnt included with the H&C so you'd need to tag them on at an additional cost of 60 bringing the total up to 510). The additional 310 splits down for me like this 60 for an official true type, 40-50 for the FS exclusive book + all the packaging and the fact the man himself put the whole gig together for you. 200 for Rainmans paint apps which isnt worth it for everyone but for me after seeing the pics of Aeon's sculpt I feel my decision has been completely vindicated. Aeon is brilliant there is no doubt but on this particular release it looks like Rainman's paint apps take it by a landslide.
The way I look at it is its 820 for the FS which is 310 more than the H&C set (when considering it looks like the Dork clothes arnt included with the H&C so you'd need to tag them on at an additional cost of 60 bringing the total up to 510). The additional 310 splits down for me like this 60 for an official true type, 40-50 for the FS exclusive book + all the packaging and the fact the man himself put the whole gig together for you. 200 for Rainmans paint apps which isnt worth it for everyone but for me after seeing the pics of Aeon's sculpt I feel my decision has been completely vindicated. Aeon is brilliant there is no doubt but on this particular release it looks like Rainman's paint apps take it by a landslide.

:exactly::goodpost::goodpost::hi5: Just knowing the man himself is touching this piece is more than worth it for me :yess:
WHOA-LY FRIJOLES!!! :chase Thank God I wore my bullet proof today!

No worries brothers! I have no intention on starting any revolution to change the paint :lol I love RM's paint as is and I'm very happy with it. I was just encouraging Dane because Aeon's paint is not inaccurate to a certain degree.

I've been watching Pulp Fiction for the last week straight in celebration of RM offering a line of 4 figs :rock

(This is pertaining to the Blu Ray; I haven't checked how it shows up on the DVD)

In most scenes Vince's eyes resemble RM's crystal blue color more. In the JRS scene they look very enhanced and look almost dead on to Aeon's take on this. Anyone with the Blu Ray can see what I'm talking about. It all has to do with lighting or they enhanced his eyes for that scene.

So I'm NOT trying to stir anything up. But I don't think that people should be too disappointed with her coloring because technically it's not wrong.

Yeah, I think lighting and the contrast of the camera could be playing a role. Having said that, if these look exactly as they do here in-hand, then Pop, I will gladly trade you the Aeon one for your Rainman painted version, so you've got nothing to fear on that front :lol

Thanks for the offer kind sir but I bought a full set for a reason ;)

I'll be screwed. :lol But I never buy something with the intent to sell, so that element is far removed from my collecting habits. It's all about aesthetics for me.

Well if you ever get jammed up, you know who to call...... Mr. first in line for Morpheus :cool:
Tempted to get h+c but if I miss out on h+c for jules would I be able to sell vince's suit minus head without making a loss?
Let me check my magic 8 ball for you real quick. . .


There you have it! (assuming you deduct the cost of the sculpt from your expected return, that is)
Iv'e been thinking about it while I like the t-shirt/shorts and glad they come with the Full Set, I feel when you purchase a Full Set the "secret items" although there is the book also, they should only be available in the Full Set and not separately, ie: Plainview's gun, Anton's transponder, Wonka's golden ticket, snow on Butcher's shoe, and so on. I could be wrong just feel beside the book Full Set for the price difference should of also got another exclusive item haha
I was just literally coming to post that. Rainman told me those were errors so has fixed them.

He will be talking to his tailor about a possible fat suit also shortly.
So have the head & clothes sets , t shrts shorts sold out already ?