To better show what I am talking about, here's a close-up picture of my Tyler Durden. See what I was saying about the eyes? It kind of looks like Rainman rushed on mine. What do you guys think? Am I right?
What hurts me on a more personal level is that this is TYLER FREAKIN' DURDEN! You see, my desire to own a Tyler Durden was at the very top of my list. That might sound like an exaggeration, but it's the honest-to-God truth. I wanted a Tyler Durden more than any other 1/6th scale figure, and now that I finally have him, it's a tad bittersweet. Rainman did such a great job on all areas of my figure except the paint job on the eyes (it's kind of ironic that the figure I care the most about is the one with the worst eye paint).

But... this is the reason I want the glasses probably more than anyone. Maybe the eyes won't look so bad hiding behind the glasses. Oh, and that little black spot you see on his upper lip wiped off. I didn't even notice it until I took the close-up picture. Am I being too nit-picky? Click on the image to make it full-size, then decide. Once you get the full effect, you will see just how "off" the eyes are. One is actually shaped different from the other too. I dunno, it just irks me.
I think it would have been a bad idea to complain to Rainman and ask him to re-do the eyes. Despite the faults I see, I do respect Rainman as an artist. But when you spend so much money on a figure, you hope for perfection, and Rainman *usually* delivers in that area, but not so much this time - at least for me. Look at the other Durdens shown in this thread. He's done a bang-up job on most all of them!
- IndyCollector