Rainman's Projects... ^L^

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Thanks for your opinions, gang. I know Rainman does a super job on everything he touches. I'm just so picky that the shape of the eyes not quite matching and the visible under-eye sclera make them look 'off' to me. I guess to me it's like having an Aston Martin with a door ding. The car's still beautiful overall at a distance, but knowing the ding is there - and inspecting the car up close - is still upsetting. It sucks to be a perfectionist (I know, I know, it's a disease - at least that's what my wife says). On a positive note, I do like the limited Durdens, mine included, far more than the Studio DF ones.

And yes, EC, once the glasses are in-hand, all will be forgotten. :banana
The Neytiri custom over at Rainman's blog is looking brilliant:


Rainman's Blog: https://blog.naver.com/art1690
:horror:horror:horror:horror Is this real ? I can´t believe she is real sculpt. The paintjob is from other world :horror:google. Looks like 3D model prototype
Wat for?

The HT version is comin out this year, and I'm bettin the scale + proportion would be far more accurate than the rainman version. Also, it'll just be 1/10 of the price you are willin to pay :huh

The eyes, man.

If the HT Na'vi have painted eyes, I'm not buying it.
guys, just a heads up for those of you who got the "FIGHT CLUB" soap, do not put it inside the box that it came with!

you should open and air it out, I think :google

I just opened up both of mine, and they are already wet and melting :monkey2