Rainman's Projects... ^L^

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I agree, Zuno has been outstanding with communication, liasing with Rainman about modifications to figures, giving us updates on when presales will begin etc...

so what can we do?

I know Zuno's not gonna talk to rainman and tell him that all of us wants him to stay as thats gonna sound weird, coming from his own words... we need a 3rd party that speaks korean:google
I'm really concerned about the red glasses situation now. Will the buyers of the first Pitt set be offered the first chance to buy? Will we have to fight it out with everyone else to pre-order? Is rainman even going to offer them anymore?
I'm really concerned about the red glasses situation now. Will the buyers of the first Pitt set be offered the first chance to buy? Will we have to fight it out with everyone else to pre-order? Is rainman even going to offer them anymore?

Thats a really good question right there. I forgot about them for a minute. This really might be a bad turn for us after all. Especially knowing that this guy was the scalper in question.
Thanks to you zuno, for your help and support, for your patience and for your kind. Without your help some of us couldn´t own some beautifull figures that now we have as a precious treasure.
Thank you!!!!

Hi All,

Today I am writing this post to make an announcement.
From now on I will no longer be helping Rainman.

As some of you know, I have partnered with Rainman since March 2009.
During that time, I agreed to support him for one year.

A year has finally passed, and Rainman is preparing to work without my assistance.
Furthermore, he has hired a new assistant who works worldwide.
His nickname is Santa Jack, and you can contact him via email: [B][COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][/B].
His blog: https://blog.naver.com/arelrek

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
However, it will be more convenient to contact Santa Jack who works at Rainman's office for questions regarding his figures.

By all means, I will continue to interact with you all, and continue to purchase and collect his figures as I did in the past.
I want to thank you all for your cooperation and hope for it to continue on.

Thank you very much... :wave[/QUOTE]
It was a great partnership.
Thank you for all your posts and introduction to some truly great artists!
Among others, I am so grateful you opened our eyes to Rainman over on the GBU thread.
Thanks again Zuno.
Thank you Zuno, for all that you've done to help promote Rainman.
My questions are:
-So how will we be notified to the new releases? Will we have to keep checking a blog, or will they be posted at the various 1/6 forums?
-Will you still be selling Rainman's work through your web site E-UREKA?
Thought I had more questions, guess that's it for now.
I am not sure if it is only me but the site is in Japanese????
Will this crumble fish be on this forum answering questions???
How do we know of the updates of rainmans work?
Seems a poor business decision to me!

I am sure Zuno is responsible for Rainmans items selling out so quickly