Rambo: Last Blood [Rambo 5]

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I think the other problem I have with Rambo 5 is that the film is sad. Rambo fails where Liam Neeson succeeded in his Taken movie. Everything is taken away from him and there's no light at the end of the tunnel, no pun intended. He lived in a tunnel (literally) for the past ten years after a seemingly happy ending in Rambo 4. Ten years later, he's found no peace, he's hooked on pills, and in the end he ends alone, without a home, right where he started in First Blood. Not the kind of full circle you want to see as a fan. In the end he realizes that he's going to continue to suffer until he dies. WTF kind of ending to a franchise is that? I was against Rambo dying in this film, but considering he's got nothing left to live for, I think he should have died.
Gonna see this with my Rambo mega-fan buddy. We watched Rambo 4 on his massive screen TV with the volume thundering so much the neighbors complained (not as badly as the time I watched Top Gun in the late 1990s with another buddy super loud and turned around to see a neighbor stranger actually standing in the room telling us to turn it down.):lol

John Milius and John McTiernan!

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C'mon... CLINT!

You know even with GoodBadUgly being in my top 10 list of favorite movies he comes up short when up against Predator 1, Die Hard and Conan the Barbarian.

That being said I love his other 2 spaghetti westerns, first Dirty Harry and i?m a huge fan of Every Which Way but Loose lol
Here's what the author of First Blood novel had to say about the film. I agree with almost everything, except that the first two minutes were promising. They looked like ****, imo. Netflix/straight to dvd bull****.

Disappointed in RAMBO: LAST BLOOD (to put it mildly). NEWSWEEK asked my reaction. These are the ones I sent to that magazine.
"My problems with RAMBO: LAST BLOOD are twofold.
"One is that I felt degraded and dehumanized after I left the theater. In 2016 Sly and I had numerous lengthy telephone conversations about creating what he described as a “soulful” Rambo. Then he stopped communicating with me. One element of our conversations is in the new film (the search for the missing child as an example of the family he never had), but instead of being soulful, this new movie lacks one. I felt I was less a human being for having seen it, and today that’s an unfortunate message.
"On a second level—that of storytelling instead of theme—the film is a mess, resembling a 1976 James Mitchum (Robert Mitchum’s son) film called TRACKDOWN, which has almost the same plot, in which a Montana rancher gets even with sex traffickers (in this case in Los Angeles), who have kidnapped a young female relative. That film is typical of ultra-violent 1970s exploitation “grindhouse” films, the technique of which RAMBO: LAST BLOOD resembles. The sets here look cheap. The direction is awkward. The script is filled with explanatory dialogue (“she was like the family I never had” or words to that effect—we get it—explanation not required, and this from an actor/writer who prides himself on communicating visually rather than through unnecessary words). The music has that droning synthetic sound that TV dramas use to support needless, tedious dialogue. The characters are post-it-note caricatures. Rambo could be called John Smith, and the film wouldn’t change. It assumes the audience is familiar with Rambo’s background whereas anyone under 40 will wonder what on earth is going on with those tunnels. From multiple perspective, this film fails miserably. The best I can say is that the first two minutes were promising.
Sounds like your typical Hollywood business partnership gone sour hit job he even drops a huge clue in his statement lol

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Sounds like your typical Hollywood business partnership gone sour hit job he even drops a huge clue in his statement lol

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Maybe, his assessment of the film is accurate.

I'm two for two. First IT 2 and now Rambo 5. Joker is next. :(

The silver lining for this unnecessary abomination of a movie was the resurgence of Rambo in pop culture, thus new merchandise, such as a Funko pop line of Rambo figures, t-shirts, or the holy grail, a new HT Rambo from the old films, but nope, not even one of those cheap Reaction figure from Super 7. Nothing, even the new movie posters suck.
Maybe, his assessment of the film is accurate.

I'm two for two. First IT 2 and now Rambo 5. Joker is next. :(

The silver lining for this unnecessary abomination of a movie was the resurgence of Rambo in pop culture, thus new merchandise, such as a Funko pop line of Rambo figures, t-shirts, or the holy grail, a new HT Rambo from the old films, but nope, not even one of those cheap Reaction figure from Super 7. Nothing, even the new movie posters suck.

Do you own the Enterbay Rambo?

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Man Grace has really put herself into the crosshairs with her Rambo 5 review and current tweets she?s creating quite the **** storm for herself.

Rambo 5 diehards want her head on a stick lol

And to think she stood alongside this group in and fully supported their views on TLJ/RJ/Kennedy and now how they?ve quickly turned on her, yikes.

You best keep your anti Rambo 5 review to yourself or you just might end up on the Grace Randolph end of the stick lol

Umm I loved Rambo 5 best movie of the year lol

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Man Grace has really put herself into the crosshairs with her Rambo 5 review and current tweets she?s creating quite the **** storm for herself.

Rambo 5 diehards want her head on a stick lol

And to think she stood alongside this group in and fully supported their views on TLJ/RJ/Kennedy and now how they?ve quickly turned on her, yikes.

You best keep your anti Rambo 5 review to yourself or you just might end up on the Grace Randolph end of the stick lol

Umm I loved Rambo 5 best movie of the year lol

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She's Triggered over masculinity :lol. Rambo was not made for the SJW snowflakes anyway
Even if Rambo ends up being the better movie I think Terminator is going to wipe the floor clean with Rambo?s box office, sorry Sly but Arnold is about to embarrass you.

You got Cameron.

You got Arnold.

You got Linda.

You even got meth head making his return.

You got Miller and even if you?re not a fan of his he?s a hell more known than the stranger who directed Rambo.

I don?t even know the directors name for Rambo it truly didn?t matter lol.

I don?t even think he did press for Rambo it was all Stallone rightfully so i?m not arguing that it made sense.

But just like Todd Philips is doing press for Joker so will Miller for Terminator even if he has to hold Cameron?s **** in his hand.

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