Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.
I now know to never trust your ratings.
I know everyone hates that movie, and the story was very stupid, I will admit that,
but from going from the Awful resident Evil movies to this was a nice change, the movie Looks amazing, Looks, as in, the costumes are amazing, the sets are really good, it looked really pretty, everything looked really nice,
I am not going to deny it I enjoyed watching this, it was pure eye candy, nothing more,
I guess that's the reason people loved Avatar (the ones that did)
I Just visually really enjoyed it, it was nice to watch, the colors were very beautiful, the girls were very beautiful too,
now I am not comparing this movie to Avatar, I am just saying, I got that feeling that I enjoyed it visually similarly to how people defended Avatar left and right, when the story was awful, but it was beautiful to look at, for me this was beautiful to look at as well,
everyone hates the movie, which I understand, it is Paul WS Anderson, nothing good comes from him, but this was a really nice change from the vomit inducing resident evil movies