RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Grey may be depressing, but we all have to face it. Regardless. It's just such a well made movie.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

:horror How? Plane crash, in-fighting, large wolves killing people one at a time in the freezing and darkness, Liam Neeson being a badass...

The last part especially. But I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed that I didnt get to see him beat the s*** out of a wolf.:lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

One, they still announced it.

Two, Predators rocked, and should've had a sequel.

Predators was good but doesn't deserve a sequel. Not in the same story anyway. Something else maybe as the franchise deserves another film.

:horror How? Plane crash, in-fighting, large wolves killing people one at a time in the freezing and darkness, Liam Neeson being a badass...

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

:horror How? Plane crash, in-fighting, large wolves killing people one at a time in the freezing and darkness, Liam Neeson being a badass...
It was just a bunch of annoying people walking for hours and hours being easily picked off by "wolves", although I don't think you could call them that because they acted almost nothing like wolves...but yeah, that wasn't the point of the film. There is no god, there is no life after death, uh huh.. Oh and then the cliched poem and memories of Neeson's wife or whoever.

There was no...substance. I didn't think it was a "smart" movie at all. I didn't care what happened to any of the character's, couldn't take anything seriously because every five minutes some unnaturally resilient wolf comes by and does something ridiculous. The message was sort of obvious, I got it...I just felt like nothing really happened in the movie. Idunno.

And CelticP can go hump Megan Fox's leg for all I care. :dunno
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

You know what they say about haters.

