RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

It was just a bunch of annoying people walking for hours and hours being easily picked off by "wolves", although I don't think you could call them that because they acted almost nothing like wolves...but yeah, that wasn't the point of the film. There is no god, there is no life after death, uh huh.. Oh and then the cliched poem and memories of Neeson's wife or whoever.

There was no...substance. I didn't think it was a "smart" movie at all. I didn't care what happened to any of the character's, couldn't take anything seriously because every five minutes some unnaturally resilient wolf comes by and does something ridiculous. The message was sort of obvious, I got it...I just felt like nothing really happened in the movie. Idunno.

And CelticP can go hump Megan Fox's leg for all I care. :dunno

Well, you're wrong.

Predators was good but doesn't deserve a sequel. Not in the same story anyway. Something else maybe as the franchise deserves another film.


Nah, I think it does. It's better then adding a Predator different locations. PREDATOR in IRAQ. PREDATOR in VIETNAM. Meh. I'd rather get into space with the creatures.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

^ I'm right and I'd like to see a sequel to Predators because I love Brody. As long as there are no four-armed or king predatards.
The movie definitely could have been better, but I like the direction it took.

My dream is still an AvP: Prey film though...
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Not really. The only thing they really had in common was the whole Lexa/Scar team up. Which was much more important in the book.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

It was just a bunch of annoying people walking for hours and hours being easily picked off by aliens that resemble human genitalia and a gay robot...but yeah, apparently these iRobot looking bald dudes created all life on Earth so there is no god, there is no life after death, uh huh.. Oh and then the cliched plot/plot holes and stupid characters.

There was no...substance. I didn't think it was a "smart" movie at all. I didn't care what happened to any of the character's, couldn't take anything seriously because every five minutes some character does something ridiculous. The message was sort of obvious, I got it...I just felt like nothing really happened in the movie. Idunno.

Yeah.. Prometheus sucks.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Snow White and the Huntsman - 5/10

Tedious. The one and only highlight of this movie is the green forest sequence. It's visually stunning and reminded me of an anime called Princess Mononoke.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I'll hump what's inbetween.

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Sinister 8/10. A very good horror flick - nice pacing, good atmosphere, excellent acting by Hawke. The dialog scene at the beginning between Hawke and the Sheriff was surprisingly good - an example of great character acting and well written dialog. Sure, there's some predictable aspects, but it's not about whether you've seen something similar before - of course you have. It's about whether or not they tell this story effectively, and they did. I also thought there was one nice twist that wasn't the norm:

It was leaving the house that sealed their fate, not staying.

Frankenweenie 8/10. What Rango was to old westerns, Frankenweenie is to old monster movies. Practically everything in this film, from character designs to names to scenes to dialog is a reference or homage to something else. And yet, there's a prety cool quirky story in there too, and while I thought the ending was a bit too formulaic, I thought it was great overall.

Looper 9/10. Best time travel film I've seen in awhile. I don't think there were any plot holes other than the obfious paradox of time travel itself, but if you want to try to point some out, please feel free. It made me want to break out my copy of Priimer and watch it a couple more times.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Sinister seems to be a love it or hate it movie. Interested in seeing it for myself.


The Raid 8/10

Great action flick , non stop and exactly what I expected.


Get the Gringo 7/10

Noticed this on netflix US and remembered being recommended it , great little movie !.

Cabin in the woods 8/10

Still love this movie !.


Anger Management.


I'd never actually seen this movie from what I remember. Jack Nicholson made me laugh having fun playing a lunatic as usual , that's about it. :rotfl
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Sinister did slip a bit for me toward the last 15 minutes or so - they tend to show a bit too much, taking away some of the atmostphere, but overall the film worked for me.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Sinister did slip a bit for me toward the last 15 minutes or so - they tend to show a bit too much, taking away some of the atmostphere, but overall the film worked for me.

I have a feeling I'll like it. One of the main complaints I keep hearing is that everything good was already in the trailer.
Did you watch the trailer before the movie ?.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - 6.5/10

Boy do you guys know how to overrate movies..

The ending was awesome though.