RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

brave... not the best from pixar but still good loads better than cars thoe hated that
7.5 /10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

POTC Black Pearl is an 8.5/10 film for me with DMC probably being a 7/10. I won't even rate AWE it was that bad!!! Not seen the 4th yet and in no hurry to either.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

POTC Black Pearl is an 8.5/10 film for me with DMC probably being a 7/10. I won't even rate AWE it was that bad!!! Not seen the 4th yet and in no hurry to either.

If you like CotBP, you should give OST a try. I absolutely loathed DMC and AWE, but OST managed to recapture a bit of the fun of the original, and Jack returns to being more of the sly Jack of Black Pearl instead of the Looney Toons buffoon they turned him into.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

If you mean it was like a fresh fart from the **** of a bloated dead man, I agree.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I thought the 4th film was better than AWE....but they both were pretty bad, imo.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

See, AWE was bad on a script/storytelling level, but it was visually astounding, with some of the best effects for it's time.

OST failed on a storytelling, AND technical level. Ugly looking movie, really blurry 3D, some terrible acting, and a very dull direction.

I've seen the movie 4 times, and I still can't remember it.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I didn't mean to imply it was a great film by any stretch, it's definitely not as good as CotBP, but it is better than the two cinematic abortions that preceded it. Throw it on, enjoy Jack Sparrow being entertaining again instead of nails on a chalkboard annoying, then forget it.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The only things I liked about AWE was the score that plays when they go to rescue Jack from the end of the world....or wherever he is. There is some beautiful footage there of them sailing through cold and icy waters...and the music is gorgeous especially when the string instruments kick in (around 3:11).


And the final battle between Beckett and the Flying Dutchman/Black Pearl. That was beautifully shot.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

^ I feel the exact same way. And those things make it a better film for me, because I don't like anything in OST. I didn't care for Blackbeard, didn't like the story, the characters, the plot, the script..ect.

I even felt let down by the Mermaid scene. It was Ok, but not better then the Kracken scene from DMC, or even the incredibly bizarre Jack's Locker.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

^ I feel the exact same way. And those things make it a better film for me, because I don't like anything in OST. I didn't care for Blackbeard, didn't like the story, the characters, the plot, the script..ect.

I even felt let down by the Mermaid scene. It was Ok, but not better then the Kracken scene from DMC, or even the incredibly bizarre Jack's Locker.

I thought Penelope Cruz was awful. And I love Ian McShane but didn't care for Blackbeard either. The only cool thing was when the Black Pearl was shrunk in the bottle and Jack was looking at the monkey swinging.


That was the ONLY thing that kinda made me smile.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I thought Penelope Cruz was awful. And I love Ian McShane but didn't care for Blackbeard either. The only cool thing was when the Black Pearl was shrunk in the bottle and Jack was looking at the monkey swinging.


That was the ONLY thing that kinda made me smile.

I couldn't handle Blackbeard. I think that Al Swearengen ruined any other antagonistic roles for Mcshane, for me, at least. The entire time I watched that film, all I could think about was how much of a ***** Blackbeard was, and how much better the film would've been had he been as well developed as Swearengen. Naturally, that's a lot to expect from a Disney action/adventure movie.:lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I thought Penelope Cruz was awful. And I love Ian McShane but didn't care for Blackbeard either. The only cool thing was when the Black Pearl was shrunk in the bottle and Jack was looking at the monkey swinging.


That was the ONLY thing that kinda made me smile.

Same here. I did like that bit.

Agreed on all points.