RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.


I can usually tell by the title if its gonna be lower than a 5/10 so I don't watch many bad movies.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Dark Knight Rises - 8/10

Some things I didn't care for:

-Most of the fight scenes were pretty weak and awfully choreographed with bad guys with guns waiting for Batman or Catwoman to turn around and face them before they engaged them, which of course by that time it was too late and they would get easily disarmed.

-The entire police force was trapped yet they were able to send down cargo nets filled with food and supplies. Why couldn't they lift people to freedom then??

-The giant police vs Bane force charging scene was not my favorite. I honestly don't ever think the police would be that stupid to just charge from one direction on them. They would've at least attacked from all sides....and with some weapons lol.

-Batman vs Bane on the steps during that scene. I feel like it should've been staged in a different area. An area that was above everyone else or secluded from everyone else that was only them one on one. Also, the fighting in the background is awfully done as well if you pay attention to it.

Things I liked:

-Everything else.

For reference of the other movies in the trilogy:

Batman Begins - 10/10

The Dark Knight - 9.5/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Matrix - 9/10

Hadn't revisited this one for many years. Those awful sequels kinda dulled my memory of just how good the original was. Bonafide sci-fi classic.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Well, technically isn't 5/10 just an average film?

The Prestige - 6.8/10

Didn't really like it to be honest.

I do enjoy sophisticated/complex films that keep you guessing, but there's just something about Nolan's...style that I don't like.

So what's the deal? Jackman's using the machine to clone himself and the clones drown in the tanks? Or does he kill himself each time and let the clone take over from there? And Bale had a twin? Or that was a clone? :pow
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Well, technically isn't 5/10 just an average film?

The Prestige - 6.8/10

Didn't really like it to be honest.

I do enjoy sophisticated/complex films that keep you guessing, but there's just something about Nolan's...style that I don't like.

So what's the deal? Jackman's using the machine to clone himself and the clones drown in the tanks? Or does he kill himself each time and let the clone take over from there? And Bale had a twin? Or that was a clone? :pow

Not that hard to get....:dunno

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

So he does kill himself? And his clone is the one that appears on the stairs (or wherever) and takes over from there?

Don't the clones know what his plans are though because they are...him? Like the first one he shot. Seems like they would know that they're going to be drowned, yet he was surprised and terrified when he fell in the tank...

I think I'm missing something. :lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

So he does kill himself? And his clone is the one that appears on the stairs (or wherever) and takes over from there?

Don't the clones know what his plans are though because they are...him? Like the first one he shot. Seems like they would know that they're going to be drowned, yet he was surprised and terrified when he fell in the tank...

I think I'm missing something. :lol

Even though it's a clone that is drowing - he is still feeling that death every time it is done. And drowning would be a horrible way to go, imo. And I suppose yes, you would suspect the clones to catch on and maybe rebel - but Hugh is willing to let one die (and therefore so is the clone). The one that does the act and drowns is prepared to drown for his act to work knowing a new him will appear to repeat the cycle over and over again. His obsession to beat Bale's character with magic/illusion has made him a willing participant in what can only be a repetitive nightmare. And I think even if you knew you were about to fall into a tank and drown - it would still be horrifying each and every time. Knowing something is going to happen...and then have it happen and to know you are about to die a horrible death would be terrifying, which you see on their faces time and time again.

And yes Bale was a twin. For their act to be successful, they had to be able to be eachother (play as one) - which is why they had to share their wife/girlfriend...and we see how difficult that was for them and their unknowing partners. And how much more sad it was when one of the twins was killed (even though Hugh's character dies over and over again - his was a personal choice driven by ego). It's just an interesting concept, imo. Because of their act and rivalry with each other - they each lost a part of themselves and had to make such crazy sacrifices. Some more extreme than others. But all horrific in their own way. No one really wins in the end.
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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I just watched it again about 4 months ago...but yeah..I may need to throw it in again soon.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The last movie I watched was IronMan 2... yeah, it took me a while to watch it. I was busy watching the other movies. I loved it! Can't wait for the next one. :)
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Even though it's a clone that is drowing - he is still feeling that death every time it is done. And drowning would be a horrible way to go, imo. And I suppose yes, you would suspect the clones to catch on and maybe rebel - but Hugh is willing to let one die (and therefore so is the clone). The one that does the act and drowns is prepared to drown for his act to work knowing a new him will appear to repeat the cycle over and over again. His obsession to beat Bale's character with magic/illusion has made him a willing participant in what can only be a repetitive nightmare. And I think even if you knew you were about to fall into a tank and drown - it would still be horrifying each and every time. Knowing something is going to happen...and then have it happen and to know you are about to die a horrible death would be terrifying, which you see on their faces time and time again.

And yes Bale was a twin. For their act to be successful, they had to be able to be eachother (play as one) - which is why they had to share their wife/girlfriend...and we see how difficult that was for them and their unknowing partners. And how much more sad it was when one of the twins was killed (even though Hugh's character dies over and over again - his was a personal choice driven by ego). It's just an interesting concept, imo. Because of their act and rivalry with each other - they each lost a part of themselves and had to make such crazy sacrifices. Some more extreme than others. But all horrific in their own way. No one really wins in the end.
Yeah I caught on to that after my last post. :lol Makes sense. I might watch it again and see if my opinion changes.

3:10 to Yuma - 7.5/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Yeah I caught on to that after my last post. :lol Makes sense. I might watch it again and see if my opinion changes.

3:10 to Yuma - 7.5/10

I am glad to see that you are having a Bale marathon...but sorry that you are not rating these movies higher. :( Have you enjoyed Bale's performances?

I hope you get around to seeing Rescue Dawn and The Fighter. He really was remarkable in both of those.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I didn't care for 3:10 too much. Good, not great.

My favorite Bale flicks.

Batman Begins'
American Psycho.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I LOVED 3:10. I thought Russel Crowe's character was fantastic.

With regards to the Prestige, technically, it was the original that stepped into the machine who drowned. But because the clone was such a perfect duplicate, the surviving Hugh felt like he never drowned at all and the person who stepped into the machine was transported. Essentially, both the clone and the original felt they were the one true Hugh. And at the same time, Hugh would drown every night as well--he just wasn't around afterwards to tell the tale.

Machine Gun Preacher 6.5/10
Not bad, but nothing great either. I really like Marc Foster the director. I'm one of the very few who prefers Quantum over Casino, and I love Stranger than Fiction. But this one was merely ok. Gerard Butler was good in it. It's good to see him doing some real acting instead of in dreck like than Jennifer Aniston movie or his latest, Playing For Keeps. What is he thinking? He definitely has talent, but his career is going nowhere quick with these roles he's picking.