Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.
Stardust: 9/10
I watched this movie last night, almost as an afterthought. Didn't really get into it at first, but the movie quickly piqued my attention. What initially seemed like standard kiddie fare turned into a thrilling chase movie complete with some great fight scenes and deaths. A great fantastical voyage, and a great cast as well; Michelle Pfeiffer was awesome as an evil witch, and Robert DeNiro was hilarious as a flamboyantly gay sky pirate. Ensemble cast was rounded out by Mark Strong (who's work has been consistently great and diverse; he was the head of Jordanian intelligence in Body of Lies, and the right hand man of mob boss Tom Wilkinson in RockNRolla), Sienna Miller, Peter O'Toole, and Sir Ian McKellen as the narrator.
After the film, I wondered how much better X3 could have been if Matthew Vaughn stayed on to helm that film. While I realize a director is only as good as the material he has to work with, there was some fantastic set pieces and shots in Stardust. Will definitely purchase this on Blu-Ray to add to my collection.